Sebastian's BACK!!

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3rd Person
Grell finally dressed casually, in a red sweater and black pants, Ciel and her sat on the sofa and begun playing Old Maid because it was one of Ciel's favorite card games.
"DAMMIT!! You gave me the Old Maid!!" Grell yelled. Ciel laughed, he couldn't believe he was having this much fun.
"Ha! And I'm going to win!" Ciel said with the utmost confidence in his voice.
"Ohhhhh darling that's what you think!! Without Sebas-Chan to help you cheat!!! It shall be I who is victorious!!" They both laughed at Grell's over-enthusiasm. Suddenly the door burst open with a crack. Grell's first instinctual was to shove Ciel onto the floor and under the table. She shushed him and poked her head out slightly to see what was going on. They bother heard footsteps coming toward them. Grell stared and when the tall man walked into the room across from the living room where her and Ciel were playing, she saw him...and her eyes widened
"SEBAS-CHAN!!!" Grell leapt over the sofa walking up to him.
"Grell! Thank god you're home, I'm looking for the young master!! When he sent me out to do something I did it as asked and when I got back he was gone...I've been searching everywhere and I just came to ask," He blushed madly looking at the floor.
"Will you help me find the young lord??" She just laughed, it wasn't a cruel laugh though.
"What if I told you that I already found him!?!" She smiled at him, getting a little too close to his face.
"You've found him?!? When?! Where?!" Sebastian yelled, frantically shaking her.
"Don't strain your brain..." She told him putting a finger to his lips.
"Ciel dear! As you probably heard everything's alright and you may come out." Ciel stood up stretching his back from being crammed underneath the table. Sebastian's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. He pointed from Ciel and then to Grell multiple times, not being able to speak.
"Since yesterday afternoon...Grell saved my life." Ciel said blandly. He then smiled.
"I must agree with Grell, I don't need my butler to collapse from brain damage." Sebastian just took in a breath of reassurance to know that the master was ok.
*Time Skip*
"So then you showed up and scared the utmost shit out of Grell and I." Sebastian, Ciel, and Grell had finally gotten to the Phantomhive manor and Ciel had finally finished telling Sebastian all that had happened between him and Grell. He hadn't even noticed that they had walked up the manor steps. Sebastian opened the doors and Ciel all of a sudden ran inside and disappeared.
"So he finally decided to use the bathroom." Grell said chucking a little bit. Sebastian stepped in front of Grell pulling her close.
"Thank you Grell...I've never seen him this happy before, or did something to him, I don't know what it was but it was amazing...and thank you for taking him on when I couldn't be there." Grell smiled.
"No problem love, it was the perfect opportunity to tell him my little secret." Sebastian cocked an eyebrow. Grell's expression firmed.
"Madame.." His expression showed realization.
"Oi!! Lovebirds!! I'm going to my study, don't bother me I'm behind on work." Sebastian nodded.
"He really hasn't changed, but he has." He then looked back at Grell.
"And I don't really think we're forbidden anymore." He then scooped Grell up and took her to his room. We all know what happens next *wink, wink*.

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