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"What's wrong with you?" Jesse asked the short brunette as she walked into their first class. She had her hand pressed up against the side of her head with a water bottle in the other and her bag slugged over her shoulder.

"I have this headache," she sighed as she dropped her bag in the floor by her desk. "It started last night after I ate dinner. I barely got any sleep."

She plopped into the desk beside her redheaded friend and in front of Stacie while Aubrey, Emily, and Benji were in the next row over with Jesse.

"Could it be the food you ate?" Benji asked and Emily rolled her eyes while Chloe reached over and rubbed the brunette's back through her leather jacket.

"Yes, Benji because grilled cheese gives people chronic headaches," the tall brunette said and the 16-year-old tried to justify himself.

"Hey you," Chloe said softly when Beca laid her head on the desk and turned to face her.

Beca smiled and offered a small 'hello' back which she closed her eyes after. "That feels good."

Chloe's giggle was sounded throughout the room which was music to Beca's ears. However, the voice that came after wasn't.

"Oh my God," a kid that went by the name Chicago mocked in a high pitched voice. "Faster, faster, fuck," he moaned and Beca just raised her hand up into the air and flipped him off. He and his group of friends laughed before heading to the opposite side of the room and sitting down.

"Is that what you sound like?" Stacie came to Beca's defense and everyone 'ohh'ed'.

He smirked as he leaned back in the chair, his bright blue eyes piercing hers. "Do you wanna find out?"

"Definitely not," she said with a snarled nose and he looked at Chloe which Beca sat up after.

"Don't even fucking think about it," she almost growled and the two had a staring contest before he averted his gaze.

"Sorry, I wasn't aware she was your girlfriend," he snickered before high-fiving his friend.

Beca sat her head back down and mumbled, "She's not my girlfriend."

Not even a minute later, their teacher, Miss. Weinstein, a short brunette in her late 20's entered the room with a warm smile. She had a stack of papers and a three-ring binder held against her chest as her heels clicked across the tiled floor.

"Good morning, class," she beamed. "How was your all's weekend?"

"I spent some time with the devil's lettuce," a stoner in the back announced and the left side of the room cheered.

"I was drowning in homework all thanks to Mr. Jenson," Jesse announced and a few other classmates, along with Stacie and Aubrey, agreed.

"Alright, I need Beca, Chicago, Stacie, and Josh front and center," the woman declared before she leaned on the edge of her desk and the students questioned her but got up anyway.

"What's this about?" Josh asked as he took a stand beside Beca who had Stacie to her right followed by Chicago. Josh was a little nerdy and definitely looked the part. He wore khakis with a button-up shirt tucked into the pants along with a belt every day. His hair was a light brown and parted to the side as a pair of black-rimmed glasses sat on his nose. The teenager was one of the smartest kids in class next to Chloe and Stacie. The three often held study sessions for exams at a local coffee shop a few blocks away.

"You'll see," Miss. Weinstein smiled before clapping her hands together. "My niece was watching a show called Victorious last night and something caught my eye. Their teacher had a few of the students do improv using the alphabet and I just thought it would be a fun thing to do before we start class."

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