On the wrong side of twenties

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From an early age we were told that twenties is when we will have everything sorted out; happily successful and out there in the world, earning for ourselves. Given this happy image we looked forward to our twenties; adulthood. But once it came how many of us were disappointed? I know I’m still on the brink of it but I see most of my friends getting married, getting promotions and just generally being independent and I cannot help but feel a bit down.

But why should I? Yes I may not have gotten my life together and settled down just yet, but I have so much to be thankful even now, and I’m sure you do too. And there’s so much to look forward to as well. So for now, live in the moment; travel as much as possible; make as many friends as you can; always have your goals in mind and work for them, even if they seem too far away. For now, enjoy your life as it is and be bold. Have dreams that seem impossible, set goals that sound absurd and make mistakes that will teach lessons worth a lifetime.

“Sydney is 9 hours ahead of Nigeria but that doesn’t mean Sydney is too fast or Nigeria is too slow. Both work according to their time zones”.

So for everyone who is still on the wrong side of twenties, it’s okay! Hold on because it will get better. Maybe it will take more time for you than your classmate, but a day will definitely come, when you look back to these days and smile because you would have come a long way from now.

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