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The struggle has lasted too long...I will acquire the pod and I will destroy Terra. A Great War will come with my arrival and I will destroy all who stand in my way, Mortal or Immortal. Nothing will be left but my powerful darkness.

"Approaching the drop zone in five seconds. Prepare to jump...3...2...1...Go go go," the pilot called back as we stood ready at the open hatch of the plane. "Is this really necessary," Winston asked before Banner dragged him out of the plane with the rest of us following. Most of us had parachutes while those of us with wings did not. Winston cried out in his decent while Banner seemed to be laughing at him as well as howling with pleasure. "Watch your altitude," I shouted, pressing my ear piece, "pull your chute at eight thousand feet". "What's the plan for this assault," Finn asked as he lowered down to my altitude, falling a few meters away. "We're splitting off into four team and taking out our objectives," I replied, looking at my altitude gauge, "your team is taking down the patrols and manpower of the base. Banner is taking down the commissioner and his agents, Sans is taking down their transport and vehicular defenses, and my team is taking out their security and internal networks". He nodded, looking back down below before diving down to descend ahead of me. The facility below was a made of several stone buildings that stuck out the side of a mountain that held the majority of the base. Several watchtowers were erected from the side of the rocky cliffs with AA guns and sentries on standby near them. A vehicle bay sat on the opposite side of the mountain. "Sans," I called out as I looked above me to see him descending with Mitch, "what's the word on your platoons". "They're already in position, waiting for my signal," he replied. "Good. Winston, Neal, on me," I continued, separating from the group before they did the same. Winston looked petrified, his eyes wide within his goggles. "Relax, your fine," I said as I shifted towards him, "get ready to pull your chute". He nodded, closing his eyes so he couldn't see below. "Where are we going to land," Neal asked, moving along side me and grabbing my hand for stability. "On the ledge above the vehicle bay," I replied as I began a countdown with my hand, "we'll enter the facility using the vents". She nodded, preparing to pull her chute as Winston opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Pull," I shouted, yanking the cord as my chute was released. I gaged from the abrupt stop of my descend before slowly gliding down to the mountain below. Winston let out a yelp as his released, making him whimper in fear slightly. "In position," Finn said through the ear piece, "waiting for your signal". "Someone's moving fast," Fang commented as Neal glided over me. "Just want to keep the element of surprise on our side," he replied. "Just thinking out loud here, but who want to get a beer after this," Banner asked with a humorous seriousness, "if I manage to kill the commissioner, I'll buy". "I'll take your offer," Wolf pitched in. "Sounds like a party," Rims added, "I'm up for it". "What if you don't kill the commissioner, even if you most likely will," Daniels asked, who was staying at the base and watching all of our head cams. "I'll drink to forget and no ones getting free drinks," Banner replied as I landed on the platform with ease while Winston stumbled and face planted on the stone. "Uuuhhhh...that...sucked," he groaned painfully as he slowly got back to his feet and brushed himself off. "It happens to everyone at some point," I said as Neal landed a few feet from me, "roll up your chutes". "In position," Sans said as Banner glided in and landed beside Winston. He was followed by Fang and Sirus, who seemed to be in mid conversation when they landed. "Rough landing," Banner asked Winston with a smirk as he put his hand on his shoulder. "Your input isn't needed," Winston snapped as he pulled away his shoulder and began rolling up his chute. "Hey, no need to be angry. I've had worse happen," Banner added, "I was just trying to lighten the mood". Winston grunted in acknowledgment without turning back to Banner. Banner shrugged before turning to his own parachute. "A lot of movement outside the front entrance, something's up," Finn said, "we need to hurry up and start this party before someone else crashes it". "Almost ready," I replied, moving my chute away from the edge in a tight ball. "Radar indicates a supply convoy on it way to the front entrance now. It appears to contain food and medical supplies," Daniels said as Banner tossed his parachute next to mine. "Fire the first shots when the trucks are preparing to be unpacked," I said, moving to the ventilation ducts, "we're moving into the vents now". "Understood, I'll give a countdown before the shot," Finn replied as I pulled the vent cover off and set in down beside the vent. "Keep quiet and keep close," I said as Banner's and my team followed up behind me. The vent groaned slightly under our weight as we walked, making me nervous. "Where to Daniels," I said, stopping at a split in the vent. "Evan's team head right, Banner's left," he replied, "you have a straight shot to the servers, Evan, so I won't need to give you any more direction. Banner, your routes a bit more complicated". "That is expected, lead the way," Banner replied, moving his team into the left passage. "First shot being fired in T minus 3...2...1..." Finn said as I lead my team to the end of the vent that overlooked the server room. "Hold," I said to Neal and Winston, looking out of the vent at two guards patrolling the room. Silence followed, making the ten seconds before the alarm feel like minutes. The guard quickly ran out of the room, leaving us to listen to the alarm through the vent. "Let's get this finished," I said, kicking down the vent before jumping down. I landed hard, grunting as I recoiled and moved so Neal And Winston could follow. "Neal, watch the entrance. Winston, you know what to do," I said, moving down a corridor to the power supply of the facility, "I'm going to set the charges on the generator of the facility". "I'll let you know if we get any company," Neal said as I moved to the back and Winston began preparing his equipment. My boots clank against the metal floor and echoed down the corridor, just audible over the sound of the alarm and the generator at the end of the hall. The room was large that contained the generator against the back wall and control panels around it. "The facility looks like it's going on lockdown, we're losing visibility as the doors close," Finn said as I pulled out the charges. "Working on it," Winston replied, "they should have stopped, attempting to reopen them". "Affirmative, keep pressing fire," Finn added, heading an explosion off in the distance as I began placing charges. Once the last charge was placed, the room grew cold as I looked to the hall to see a blackened silhouette approaching. "Who the hell are you," I replied as I dropped my pack and drew my sword. "I'm the one who needs your body," it replied in a demonic voice, materializing a sword, "and you will giving me what I want". "Kronic, should have known," I said, moving to the side as we began circling each other, "how'd you get out of hell". "With powers you can only imagine," he snapped, lunging towards me with a roar. I quickly blocked his attack and casted a dark fire ball into his chest, knocking him backwards slightly. He growled, going for another attack as I continued to counter him. The room grew dark with each attack, snapping at each other until he finally slammed me against the wall. I cried out, hitting he wall hard before swing back at Kronic. He slammed my sword with his, snapping it in half before gripping my throat and lifting me up against the wall. "I've got you where I want you know," Kronic said with a demonic laugh as someone cried out across the room. It was Winston, who lay against the wall as Kronic looked back to him before resolving into a black mist and enter my body. I tried to shout, to fight him, but there was nothing I could do as my mind faded and my visions darken. Then that's where I was, in complete darkness that chilled my skin. "Welcome to you new home, Evan," Kronic said before falling silent, leaving me floating there without knowledge of what was happening.

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