Chapter 2

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Target down, I'm moving out to clear out the facility and find Evan. He can't escape, not after what happened to Fang...

7 months earlier

"Somethings not right about Fang, he seems off," Daniels whispered to me as I watch Fang leave the room. "I noticed that too," I replied quietly to keep the conversation between us, "he's probably stressed". Daniels nodded as I turned to Winston. "Want to go to the Range for a bit," I asked, causing him to raise an eye brow slightly. "Sure..." he answered hesitantly, seeming to not expect the question before we stood up. "I'll see you guys later," Finn said, getting out of his seat and moving out the door. "Why so hesitant," I asked Winston, nudging his shoulder with mine as he got up. "I didn't mean to be, just wasn't ready for the question," he replied, following me to the door as Daniels followed. "I'll catch up with you later. I got some research I need to get done before the big operations begin," Daniels said, moving in the opposite direction in the hall. "We still meeting at the bar later," I called back to him, causing him to stop and turn. "Ya, about 9," he called back before disappearing from sight. I chuckled slightly as we moved towards the armory in the upper part of the base. "So did you want to do this because of the mission or for another reason," Winston asked, still confused why we were going. "I want to see you shoot...and get a bit a practice back under my belt," I replied, smirking at him as we turned a corner. "I see..." he added, unsure about the whole thing before we fell silent. He seemed uncomfortable as we walked, fidgeting with his hands and scratching the back of his neck as he looked around. I acted not to noticed, intrigued by his discomfort as I wanted to know the cause. We entered the armory, finding Evan inside with a sniper he was cleaning. It was military quality, seemed to be a custom with specialized sights, vertical grip with a bipod, extended mag, adjustable stock, and a laser sight. "Ah, Banner, the man I hoped to see here. Wanted to see you shoot," he said, setting his cleaning gear on the table with his rifle. "Well it may be your lucky day," I said, stopping on the opposite side of the table of him, "hell of a gun you got here". "Oh, this old thing," he said, reattaching the barrel before picking it up and racking the chamber, "it's just a Katalian custom sniper, had it for years. Never failed me once". "No wonder it hasn't, you keep it in perfect condition," I added, moving over to the wall and grabbing an assault rifle with a box of ammo. "As one in my field of work does with any of their tools," he said, following Winston and I into the range. "And what field of work is that," I asked, grabbing a pair of ear protection and putting it in before setting the rifle and ammo onto the table in one of the lanes. "I was a soldier in Katal before joined the group I'm with now," he answered, putting on his own protection as I began loading the magazine. "Sniper I'm assuming. Is that how you know Finn," I continued, enjoying the conversation while Winston was off in his own thoughts. "We were spotters for each other," he said, leaning against the wall, "but that was a lifetime ago now". "And here you are in another war," I added, loading the magazine into the rifle and began hitting targets. The mag last all of about seven seconds, hitting each different target on the range dead center at least once before setting down the gun. "Impressive shooting, not many can unload a clip that fast without missing a shot," he said, watching me remove that magazine and refill it, "any good with ranged targets". "I've had few lucky shots, but aren't most shots beyond a certain distance lucky," I commented, smirking slightly as I glanced back. "To an extend, there is a degree of skill that is required to hit those shots. Luck is only one of the factors involved," Evan explained as I set the filled magazine on the table and gestures for Winston to give it a go. He looked unsure, slowly moving to the rifle before picking it up and inserting the magazine. "I'm not going to be able to do anything professional like you guys," he said, taking his time to take his shots. His accuracy was better then expected, hitting the targets nearly dead center with each shot. "Good shots," I said as he unloaded the clip and set down the rifle, "what happen to being a bad shot". "I never get the chance to practice," he replied, turning to me, "plus I never was trained to kill like you two". "I like to say it was survival training," Evan cut in, shifting for the door, "I'll see you two around, I got something I need to attend to". I nodded as he walked out the door, turning to Winston who was leaning against the table. "Lets grab another weapon and start again," I said, moving to the door, "let's see what you're most comfortable with".

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