Chapter 1

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We have a man down, I repeat, man down. Need medical assistance ASAP. We are located in the barracks, oh God. Where's Neal...

7 months earlier

"I'm skeptical about this plan," I said during the briefing, sitting back in my seats while my arms were crossed, "it seems to easy". "The first phase of it will be. No one expects an attack on these weapon depot and once we've captured their weapons, we attack their bases," Madam bells explained as the others looked over the files while mine laid on the table in front of me. "What if this is a trap. Nothing comes as easy as your plan says it should," I asked as Finn looked over at me. "I have to agree with Fang on this one, there's something missing out of this equation that will bite us on the ass later," he said as Madam Bells nodded slightly. "I assure you, your concerns have not been left unaccounted for. We've looked into each of these depots very closely, sending spies in to scout them out and to report back every detail," she explained, pacing at the end of the table as she spoke, "there have been no signs of military preparation and we will receive word the moment they begin". I nodded, looking to Finn who also nodded. "So how many teams are being sent out and when will we begin this operation," Evan asked, leaning forward in his seat. "Twenty teams, including your teams. We depart in a week, giving everyone a chance to prepare," she finished, stopping at the end of the table, "feel free to use any of the training facility over the next few day. Let me know if you need anything until departure". "Yes, Madam Bells," we all said, not quite in sync as she left the room.  None of us moved for several seconds after that, sitting quietly as let what was discussed sink in. Evan sighed, standing up as the rest of his group did the same and moved out of the room, leaving Finn, Banner, Winston and Daniels with me in the room. I stood up as they left, groaning softly before muttering, "I need drink". Finn gave me an odd look as I moved around the table to the door while Daniels muttered something to Banner. It didn't phase me, my mind somewhere else entirely as I was dealing with my demons. There was a war inside my head of memories and fears that were haunting me since we arrived at the base. The walk from the briefing room, down to "The Underground" was only a few minutes, even though it felt like hours. Somewhere in my mind said I needed help while something else forced me to isolate. Inside the pub was mostly empty, one man drinking alone on one end of the bar while I sat at the middle. "Blood Scotch, please," I said to the bartender before letting out a sigh from the thought of Ryan. He was the one I used to drink with, the one who was with me the last time I ordered blood scotch. My chest felt tight by his memory, remembering him in his last moments. I clenched my jaw as my drink was set before me, picking it up and taking a long swig followed by a long sigh. The thick red scotch went down smoothly, it's bitter sweet taste coating my tongue. "Wish you were here buddy...wish you were here," I muttered under my breath, thinking back to the days before meeting Finn.

I was just entering my twenties when I met Ryan, working as a security guard at a local store in my home town. My normal routine was to work from 8 in the morning till about 9 at night, head home and go to bed. Home was a shitty little one room apartment in the poorer part of town. The job paid well enough to live and have a drink every weekend at a local bar. It was at the bar where I first met, sitting at the bar as he came up next to me and ordered a whiskey. He was dressed in a pair of workers pants, an old grey shirt, old combat, military backpack, and a nice leather jacket. I took a shot of vodka as I normally did before getting a beer, causing him to glance at me slightly. It followed with a sigh as I slammed the glass down and slid it forwards, sipping my beer seconds after. "Drinking to forget something," he asked, taking his whiskey from the bartender as I looked at him. "No, just to get through the night," I replied harshly, not feeling the comment before noticing the scar on his neck. "Well you drink like it," he commented, setting down his drink and adjusting his collar to hide the care. "You a marine," I asked, intrigued by his sudden action as J turned to face him. "Was, not anymore," he replied, looking down at his drink before taking a long swig, "just trying to forget it now and move on". "Where were you stationed," I asked, turning back to face the bar, "if you don't mind me asking". "Katal, the only place to get a fight," he answered coldly, "terrible place, radiation and devastation everywhere". I nodded, sipping my beer as I tried to think of what to say next. "You got anywhere to stay for the night," I asked him, causing him to look at me almost intrigued, "cause I know how people in this town treat soldiers from there". "No, hadn't found a willing hotel. You offering me a place," he asked as I finished my beer and pushed it forward to get it refilled. "If you want, unlike most people, I have respect for what you've done. Would have gone myself it I would have been able to," I replied. "I don't know what to say, I've never had someone go out of their way to help me since I got back here. Thank," he said before pausing. "Fang, it's Fang," I replied softly, sipping my beer as he finished his whiskey. "Well, thank you for you generosity Fang. The names Ryan," he continued, offer a hand as a proper greeting. "It's my pleasure, Ryan. Just helping another out," I said, taking his hand and shaking it. Our conversation through the rest of the night was about our lives, simply to get better acquainted before walking back to my apartment. He slept on my couch that night and was up before me the next morning making breakfast. It was a pleasant surprise as I didn't know what I'd make due to my hangover. "When did you get up," I asked, getting a cup of coffee and moving to the small table. "Few hours ago, sleep is more of a luxury to me these days," he explained while scrambling some eggs. I nodded, sipping my coffee as I thought to the reoccurring nightmares that had been ruining my nights. It was the memory of the fire that killed my parents, scaring my mind years later. "So what are your plans for the future," I asked, causing him to freeze up. "Oh, uh...I don't know. I've been here almost three months and haven't found a job yet," he said solemnly, taking the eggs off the stove and scooping them onto two plates. "Why, cause you're a splint," I continued, watching him bring over the plates and sitting across from me. "Unfortunately, most people consider me extremely dangerous and a freak," he explained, pain in his voice, "even after I laid down my life to make others lives better". I nodded again, feeling bad for him even if I had a similar problem because of my past. "If you need, your welcome to stay here until you get on your feet," I said, feeling the company of another with similar problems would be good for me. "I can't, it doesn't feel right to use your home while I can't get my shit together," he protested, shaking his head. "I insist, it's just a way to show my respect to you. You need help and I seem to be the only person who is willing to give it to you," I said, causing him to sigh and look up at me. "Fine, if you insist I'll stay. Hopefully this won't cause you any problems," he replied, taking a bite of his eggs as I did the same. "It shouldn't, things will work out in the end," I said with a smile, "they always do".

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