Chapter 4: The Rise of Voltron

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I hear Lance's voice echoing in the communicator in my helmet, "Pidge, what's your ETA?"

Pidge's voice responds a few seconds later, speaking in a low register like he's whispering, "We're in!"

I anxiously pace in front of my lion while I listen to the others put their lives in danger in the atmosphere of the alien planet. I gaze up at her, her barrier is still erected so she must still resting. I continue to listen for any sign that I'm needed. Be ready to go whenever that is.

"What's that thing?!" Hunk's voice climbs with anxiety, and I nervously tap my fingertips against the White Lion's barrier.

"I think that's our signal to get out of here!" Lance yells into the head piece, and then there's silence. I dig my fingertips into my palm, and just as I resign myself to going up to check on them Lance speaks again, "Hunk, you take out the ion cannon while I give these losers a space joyride!"

I bite my lip, cursing softly under my breath, "I should be out there, Silver." I look up at the lion, wondering if she approves of her nickname that I, impromptu, have given her. She is still, and silent.
"What the quiznak?" Hunk's voice echoes in my earpiece, and I hope that silence coming from Pidge, Keith, and Shiro meant that they're well hidden from the Galra. I hope they're alright... "What is that, a forcefield?"

"Whoa-ho-ho, yeah, buddy! This is way more fun without Hunk's barfing!" Lance gleefully shouts into the earpiece.

There's dead silence for a long while, a painfully long while. Suddenly there's a buzz, like someone's com got shorted. Worried, I tap my helmet to adjust the com, wondering if it's the connection, until I hear rapid breathing followed by a shout. I recognize the voice immediately, his breath is rapid, like he's afraid or in pain. Immediately I cry, "Keith! Keith, are you okay?"

No one answers, and right as I whirl towards the White Lion his voice comes over the communicator, husky and out of breath, "I'm fine... I got the Red Lion." I let out a breath of relief, resting my head against the barrier surrounding my lion. It's like listening to a thriller without actually seeing what's going on, which is almost three times as worse.

"Come on, just breaaaak you stupid thing!" Hunk growls into the communicator, and I can hear the whir of his lion's mouth cannon going in the background. I bite my lip in worry, waiting for a signal that they either need help or are on their way back. Please, come on, guys...

"Score one for Hunk!" Silence.

"You guys made it!" Hunk cries, and I feel a relieved smile stretch across my face.

"Kitty Rose has left the stage!" Pidge cries confidently, and Lance answers, "Let's get the heck out of here!"

"I hope I stopped that cannon, I think I only made a dent in it." Hunk answers.

"Allura-" Shiro suddenly calls, his voice commanding and drawing my immediate attention, "We found a group of prisoners in the ship's holding cells. We freed them and sent them in a pod down to the Castle."

"Alright, I'll go down and see to them immediately." Coran responds swiftly. Prisoners? The ship had prisoners? Who? From where? And why? And now they're coming to the Castle?

"Everyone to the hanger, we've got to get the Black Lion out before Sendak regroups." Shiro continues without pause, barking like the seasoned commander he is.

I bite my lip as I turn and approach the White Lion, "Alright, it's our turn now."

The barrier falls as her eyes flicker to life, and she rumbles as she moves to her knees. It's kind of a relief that she moved as soon as I spoke, because it makes me feel like I wasn't just talking to nothing. She opens her mouth to let me inside and I climb the ramp and head up the stairs. I trail my fingers along the walls, the small lights flickering at my touch on my ascent. "Get some good rest, I hope? We've got work to do." I feel the second heartbeat flourish to life within my chest as I take my seat in the pilot's chamber, sliding forward and grasping the controls, "Time to go wake up Shiro's friend."

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