Strange stranger

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I was froze on ground when I heard the sudden noise in bushes. It was a stormy night and the slight rain was making me cold. The area where I was, were a long long road with some short cuts here and there and it was situated between a forest area.
Our town is not so big and the Mayer of our town was a nature lover. He banned people from ruining the natural forest beauty of our town so our town was surrounded with a wild atmosphere and natural beauty. But there were wild animals too in this forest that's why everyone avoids traveling at night time and specially this long road at that. We heard some rumours about wolf's attack on this road at night but tonight I just ignored all the cautions and now I was in a big trouble.

I looked around without moving because it seemed like my arm was broken and my leg was strained. I became immobile because if it was an animal on the other side of bushes then my slight movement could attract it for an attack. I scrutinised the bush and focused on the sound again. It seemedike a heavy animal by its heavy paw noise and I froze with dread. May be it was a big bear. I was praying to return safely home and regretting coming here when I heard the noise again...
I tried to move again but it was no use. The pain was too much that I could not bear it and a hitched squeeky breath left my lips and with that I saw the bushes move and I closed my eyes, shivering. May be it was the last moment of my life. I was preparing myself for the attack of a wild animal when I heard a voice.
" Miss are you okay?" A husky male voice said and instantly my eyes were wide open.
In front of me was standing a god like guy. His ripped muscles were visible in his white button downed shirt and he was so tall. His large frame was towering over my not oh so large body. I timidly nodded and he leaned to check on my injury. Now I could clearly see his face. His eyes were had the most unique colour of electric purple and his lashes were so long. With a Roman nose and high cheekbones, his face seemed to be carved with the perfection of a Greek god's features. I was stunned by his sheer beauty that I could not speak for a moment, he was saying something again but I was too lost,gazing at his coral pink, full lips.

"Miss are you okay! Can you hear me?" I heard his next question and came back to my senses.
"Yes! I... I can hear you. It's just .. I can't move my arm and leg. I just got hit by a car." I mumbled and he cursed lowly under his breath and all of a sudden cradled me in his arms carefully and lifted me in bridal style with ease like I weighted none
"I am so sorry that I scared you. I will take you to the hospital. Don't worry, okay!" He soothed me but I shrugged my head, refusing to go the dreadful place called hospital.
"Please! Take me home. My mom would be worried about me." I pleaded and he just stared in my eyes for a moment before nodding and started walking. He was careful to not move too fast so I did not felt more pain. But my arm and leg were still throbbing with an intense pain. I kept silent so he would not be more worried. I was so thankful that he was helping me.
I gave him the direction and within more or less fifteen minutes, I was home. He even met my mother, who started crying when I told the incident and thanked him again and again. After I got treated by my family doctor, who was also our neighbour, my mother insisted to this beautiful stranger to have dinner with us. He was so generous, he even stayed while I was getting treatment. He hesitated first but after my insistence he agreed. Thankfully my arm and leg were not fractured so I was able to sit at the dinner table after taking some pain killers.
We had dinner and it was time when he had to leave. I felt a strange disappointment and sadness by this fact. He was so kind while talking with my mother and even promised to visit again but still I felt upset.
We still had no clue who he was and what was his name.
My mother excused herself for a minute so she could check on my sleeping little sister. Now I was alone with this beautiful man.

"So... What's your name? If may I know." I politely asked and he stared at me with an amused smile.
"You can know everything miss...?" He hinted about my name.
"Agatha.. Agatha Milan." I stated and he smiled, his heart breaking beautiful smile was enough to make my heart go in a wild thumping rate.
"Cage Maxwell.. my name is Cage." He answered and stared in my eyes with a strange glint in his eyes.
"Cage.." I mumbled and liked the sound of his name on my tongue but his reaction shocked me more. His breath seemed to be laboured and he looked at me with an intense demanding gaze and for some unknown reason I trembled. Just then my mom returned back and I tried to compose myself, he also seemed to be struggling.
After a while he left but before leaving he gave me a last, long and intense demanding look that I could not understand........

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