Chapter 7: Training for sports festival

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The next day, the classroom was quieter than it had ever been. Everyone was sitting in their seats thinking to themselves. Suddenly Iida burst through the door yellong at everyone. Iida: ALL RIGHT LISTEN!!! IT'S TIME FOR THIS MORNING'S HOMEROOM PERIOD!!!TAKE YOUR SEATS EVERYONE!!!
Sero: We are in our seats, you're the only who's not. Iida then proceeded to sit in his seat looking defeated. You then looked ahead to the front of the classroom.
Hagakure: I wonder who's going to be our homeroom teacher, since Aizawa-sensei is hurt...

Almost as soon as the words came out of her mouth the door opened and in walked in Aizawa who looked like a mummy with all the bandages he had on.
Eraserhead: Morning.


Eraserhead: Don't concern yourselves over me. After all the battle hasn't really ended for you yet...

Murmurs spread throughout the the class.

Bakugo: The battle?

Midoriya: You don't mean...


Eraserhead: Yuuei's sports festival is approaching, boys and girls!

Everyone: OH YEAH, THIS IS A SCHOOL!! ------------------------------------------------------

Kirishima: Wait, hold up! That sounds like something villains would try to infiltrate... Will it be all right?
Eraserhead: On the contrary: Since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confident about itself when it comes to crisis control now. What you should be thinking about is... what a huge chance the sports festival presents for all of you.
Yaoyorozu: The country's top heroes are all sure to be watching us! It's because they'll be scouting for us.
Eraserhead: This is the chance you'll get only once a year... If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook! ------------------------------------------------------
During Lunch break, You, Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka were all walking down the hall when suddenly, Midoriya asked Uraraka why she wanted to be a hero.
Uraraka: For money...
Midoriya: You wanna be a hero for the money!? Uraraka: Yeah, I guess ultimately... Man, sorry, I know that's lame... like I'm no being pure as a hero...!
Iida: Don't be!!! Why, what on earth is there not to admire about applying yourself to aim for a comfortable life?
Uraraka: Well, my parents own a construction company, but... there's no real work out there, so we're flat broke!
Midoriya: With a quirk like yours, If you could get permission, it'd be super economical!
Uraraka: I know right!!? Thats what I told my dad but... he wants me to live my own dream.
(Y/N): Sound like you've got a good dad who cares about you.
Uraraka: You're right (Y/N), so that's why I want to make money, So I can help my parents live comfortable lives!
The conversation probably would have continued had All Might not popped out of nowhere calling for Midoriya
All Might: YOUNG MIDORIYA...!!!
Midoriya: All Might...?! What's the matter?!
All Might; Lunch!!!... You wanna eat with me? Uraraka: He's like a highschool girl! After Midoriya walked away from the group with All Mighth, You,Uraraka and Iida proceeded into the cafeteria.

As you were leaving the classroom, you weren't looking where you were going and bumped into someone.
(Y/N): Oh, Sorry about th-
You suddenly cut yourself off at the sight in front of you. More than 30 students were gathered around the door to your classroom.
Mineta: They're crowding the exit! What are they here for?
Bakugo: They're scoping out the competition, Retard. They wanna see the gang who came through the villain ambush.
???: I came to see what you guys are made of, true, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. Are all kids enrolled at the department of heroics this way?
A boy with purple hair, wearing the U.A uniform walked up to the front of the mob to confront Bakugo. As he got closer, you noticed there wasn't any part of him to define his quirk, you wondered what his was then you scanned him and were surprised .

???: There's a lot of kids who wind up in the general education department because they failed the heroics one. Did you know that?
(Y/N): ?
???: And based on the results of the sports festival, people can even be moved to the heroics department. The reverse is also possible too. If nothing else, a general ed kid like me is thinking, "Hey why don't I try and pull the rug out from underneath those heroics kids while they're on their high horses?". Consider it a declaration of war.
Kirishima: Wait a second man, what did you just do!!? Now we're gonna get haters all up in our grill!

Bakugo: None of that matters once you're at the top
Kaminari: Don't listen to him! All he did was make us more unwanted enemies!
(Y/N): No, he's right. Everyone has their own goal for this festival. Nothing else matters as long as we can accomplish that goal. ----------------------------------------------------
The two weeks you had to prepare for the sports festival went by quick. You spent a majority of your time training down at your dad's old training room. You were currently swinging at a punching bag with a metal covered fist . Upon your 7th strike, you punched a hole through the smoking bag. You fell to your knees breathing heavily.
(Y/N): It's still not strong enough... Dad used to be able to knock a hole through these things in two hits max.
You remember a few years back when you dad was still alive, he had taken you here to watch hom train.
(D/N): Now remember (Y/N), as long as you keep a calm head, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. He proceeded to prove this by going silent, covering his fist in shadow and metal, and impaling a hole through the punching bag in a single blow.
(D/N): Ya' see what I mean! I know that someday you will surpass me, and I can't wait to see that!

(Y/N): I'll try my best Dad!
You grinned a ridiculous smile as he ruffled your hair.
---------------*flashback end*----------------
Tears streamed down your face as you squeezed your fist tightly.
(Y/N): D-Damn it... I'm sorry Dad... I wasn't strong enough to save you...
You began to break down as you fell to your knees and cried while screamed at the sky. However as you were screaming, something unexpected happened. Your eyes widened at what you had just done.
(Y/N): Wow... What was that?! ------------------------------------------------------
You and the rest of class 1-a were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the festival to begin. You were sitting next to Jiro, while listening to her talk about how she trained for the past two weeks. She stopped however, when Todoroki spoke to Midoriya.
Midoriya: W-What is it Todoroki...?
Todoroki: On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms if practical strength.
Midoriya: Wha!? Ah,uh, yeah...
Todoroki: You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that, but... I'm going to beat you.
Kaminari: Oho!?? What's this? A declaration of war from the strongest kid in the class!!?
Kirishima: What's with the aggressiveness all of a sudden!? Don't spring this on him right before... Todoroki: I'm not here to play nice and make friends.
Midoriya: ... I have no idea what you want from me... You are definitely stronger than me... I think the vast majority if people are probably no match for you...
Kirishima: C'mon Midoriya, don't be so negative...

Midoriya: Even so...! Everyone- Even kids from other departments are aiming for the top with all their might! So not even I... can just let myself lag behind the rest! So I'm going to go for it with all my might too!
As midoriya finished talking with Todoroki, the tension in the room was so thin you could cut it with a knife. That was, until someone told us to go out into the stadium. ------------------------------------------------------
After Present Mic had finished the introductions of all the classes, we all waited in front of the stage waiting for instructions. Suddenly, the R-rated hero, "Midnight" walked onstage. There was a lot of cheering and whistling from all the guys in the crowd. Midnight shushed them all and spoke

Midnight: Now! Class rep!! Bakugou Katsuki of class 1-a please come on up!! Bakugo walked onstage with his hands in his pockets.
Bakugo: I just wanna say... I'm gonna win. This caused an uproar in the crowd of students.

Midnight: All right, with that we can move directly into our first event! And this year's first round of destiny is..... An obstacle race!!!
Midoriya: An obstacle race...!
Midnight: It's a race between all 11 classes! The course makes a neary 4km ring around the stadium! So let's get this started!
All 11 classes began lining up at the entrance. The countdown began, and everything began to slow down

Midnight: GO!!!

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