Chapter 6

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As I get to Vickys house I'm surprised by how big her house is. Im excited yet nervous to stay over as I've only known vicky and James and Tristan are staying over I'm quite nervous. When we go inside of her house we go upstairs to her room and she orders a big pizza for all of us. We all sit down on her double bed and she turns on a movie while we eat our pizza. I feel quite comfortable sitting next to vicky yet James was the other side and I kept seeing him look at me in the corner of my eye which made me feel very nervous.

After the movie it's about 11 and it's getting quite late which I'm happy about cause I'm more awake and myself at night time and I feel happy being here with Vicky.

"James, tris get out for a minute, we need to change" vicky says

"well we could just turn around and not look" James says with a sly smirk

"Get out" Vicky laughs as she opens the door for them.

"il get you some pjs to wear" vicky says looking through her wardrobe.

"Here wear this" she says throwing a long baggy top at me and a pair of fluffy socks.

"Um do you have pj bottoms?" I ask

"Don't need them this is long enough" she responds

"Will I get changed in the bathroom?" I ask as I'm quite self conscious on my body and feel uncomfortable at times changing in front of people.

"No silly, get changed here, it's only me I have the same bits you do" she giggles

I walk over to the corner of her room and get changed as quick as I could and I could feel Vicky look at me.

I look up at her and notice she's getting changed but I'm jealous as she has a nicer body than me and her belly button is pierced

"Stacey do you not like your body?" She asks suprised

"Not really" I reply

"well you have an amazing body I'm not just saying it, shouldn't feel ashamed" she says with a smile which makes me smile.

"It doesn't take years to get changed can we come in now?" Tristan asks from outside the door.

"Yeah come on in" vicky shouts

When James and Tristan come back into the room vicky plays some music and we all sit on her floor talking.

"you know what we should have a few drink" Vicky suggests

"Yeah definitely" James agree

I'm not much of a drinker but I have drank before and this could be good for me as I'm the complete opposite than James, tris and vicky so mabye a bit of drink could make me feel confident.

"But your mum does she mind us drinking?" I ask with a small smile

"she doesn't care what I do anymore" she giggles

"il be back in a min" she says before walking out leaving me alone with James and Tristan.

"Have you ever drank before?" James asks moving closer to me

"Yeah I have" I reply

Vicky comes back with a bottle of something and some cans of cider and a few cups.

"What do you want to drink?" Vicky asks pouring drink into cups.

"anything" I reply trying to impress James so he thinks I'm not the shy girl anymore.

Vicky hands me a cup before giving some cans to James and Tris.

As I take a sip of the drink the alcohol burns my throat as it's been a while since I drank but the burning sensation and the bitterness tastes good.

As we all sit around in a circle James is quite close to me and vicky is the other side. We all drink and have a chat.

James takes out his cigarettes and lights one giving Another cigarette to Tristan and letting Vicky take a few drags off his.

"Wanna taste?" James says putting the cigarette up to me

I was already a bit tipsy at this point but there was no way of me smoking

"no I'm okay thanks" I reply quickly taking a sip of my drink

"Just a small drag it's not that bad" he says moving himself closer to me

"it makes you feel good" Tristan announces

"no I don't know" I say not knowing what to do. It's only a drag I could just take it and just not tell my parents.

"aw Stacey your no fun" James snaps

"Fine then let me take a drag" I say taking the cigarette off him and putting it up to my mouth. As I inhaled the smoke I felt a burning in my throat which began into a coughing fit but it felt good.

"there you go" I say with a cheesy smile handing the cigarette back to James.

We start drinking more and we all get a bit tipsy and hyper.

"oh my god I know what we can do" Vicky shouts with excitement.

"What?" I ask

"we should play truth or dare" she suggests

I roll my eyes and think to myself oh here we go... But then again it could be fun, who knows?

"I'm going first, I'm going first" Tristan shouts raising his hands up and down like a kid.

"ok James truth or dare?" He asks


"Would you ever give up smoking?"

" fuck no" James laughs

"okay my go now" vicky announces

"Tristan truth or dare?"

"dare all the way"

"I dare you to kiss James anywhere you want" She laughs

"Oh god" James mumbles

Tristan grabs James and kisses his neck making all of us laugh

"ok Stacey truth or dare?" James asks

"Truth" I reply

"Are you a virgin?"

I look at James twice not knowing what to say...

"Yeah I am" I reply feeling ashamed

"Aww" James whispers closely to me making me shiver.

"truth or dare James?" vicky asks

"Dare this time" James reply with a grin

"I dare you to properly kiss Stacey" she says

"What?" I say suprised not knowing how to react.

Yes I like James and I know I shouldn't but I'm not this kinda girl but the alcohol is telling me differently saying I should kiss James.

James moves closer to me as his eyes are attached to mine.

He puts his hand at the bottom of my waist before leaning in.

His lips touch off mine and our mouths slowly open making me feel his tounge touch mine. His hand moves down slightly lower making me smile and bite down on his lip. For a split second I forgot that Tristan and Vicky were in the room as I slowly pull away. James smiles at me. I don't know what to feel as that has to be the best kiss I've ever had. As we pull away we look over to see Vicky and Tristan kissing.

"get a room" James shouts making vicky jump

"no you two get a room" She replies pulling Tristan closer to her.

"Ok then mabye we will" James says as he touches his hand off mine and smiles.

I am very tipsy and my heads kinda spinning but I think I was dreaming on what I just heard come out of James McVeys mouth...

Hey guys I know it's been ages since I updated this and I'm sorry I've just been working on the other one:) and I have a new luke one go check it out (: thanks again for all the reads votes and all love you guys loads :)

Steph xxx

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