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"I gave you my promise, Claire. I have no plans of breaking it. Stop fidgeting about me helping you out. Just stop your careless decisions! Get your shits together Smith!" he blurted out if frustration.

"I said leave me alone. I don't need you. You can have your promise to your self. I don't need it. " I said with a cold tone.

He just looked at me like I said some sort of joke.

"Really?" he asked bluntly.

I roughly sighed.

"Cut the bullshit Andy. Just leave me alone. You have nothing to do with me." I don't need his help. I can fight through this alone.

"You're a hard nut to crack huh? I won't stop this bullshit.Walter's doesn't know how to give up, and too bad for you... I am one." He smirked at me before turning his back on me. He waved his hand as he walks away.

Napapikit ako at napatingala. Malalim akong huminga bago tumingin ulit sa kanya habang naglalakad siya palayo sakin.

I hate you, Andy Walter.


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