not edited (old chapter)

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Once you and Eren arrived outside Erwin's door Eren helped you stand straight.

"Will you be alright from now on?" Eren asked concerned "yes thank you" you said and Eren walked away.

You sighed and raised your hand to the door but before you knocked you herd mumbled voices from inside.

You tried to make out what they were saying and it sounded.. Like Levi?!

"What do you mean?" You herd Erwin's mumbled voice. You rested your head on the door trying to listen. "Don't act like you don't know." Levi answered and then everything suddenly turned quiet.

You herd footsteps walk towards the door and you quickly moved away from the door and behind a wall.

You watched as Levi walked from the room and looked around before starting to walk away.

What was that about?! You thought as you limped back to Erwin's door. You once again lifted your hand and knocked the door.

"Yes?" You herd Erwin say from the other side. "Sir.. It's ____.." You said not really knowing what to say. "Oh come in" he said and his voice changed into a more gentle tone.

You opened the door to be standing opposite the Commander of the Survey Corps.. doing his usual paperwork. You quickly saluted trying not to feel the pain in your leg.

"How can I help ____?" He said as he stood and gestured you to sit. "No thank you Sir, I just came to ask a question" you answered looking straight at him. "Please, call me Erwin" he said as he sat back in his chair.

"Yes Erwin, I wanted to ask what I will be doing around here as I won't be visiting home?" You asked and slightly looked to the floor "your not visiting home?" He asked confused.

"I don't have any family members.. And.. This is my home" you replied starting to feel sad. "Ah, that's fine but I'm glad you came to me" he stated and you looked up at him confused.

"Well, if you had gone to Levi I'm sure he would have made you clean the whole place" Erwin said looking into your eyes. That's what I thought.

"Anyway, We have never had someone not go visiting so this is going to be tough.. Unless.." Erwin trailed off.

You looked at him confused again trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Unless you were to join me at the superiors ball" he finally said and your eyes widened in curiosity.

Was that an invitation?! "Ball?" You asked "yes see, when the soldiers go and visit their homes the people who stay have.. A ball, or to reiterate a day off, were we can drink and have fun before we get back to work" he explained before looking back at you "so ____, will you accompany me?" Erwin asked.

You were shocked. What should I do?! I can't say no to the Commander! "y-yes thank you.. Erwin.." You replied and a smile grew on his face "very well, is that all?" He asked.

"Yes," you said as you made your way to the door.

I'm going to the ball.. With the Commander. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you realised Levi wanted you in his office. Oh crap! You quickly ran to Levi's office and rapidly knocked on the door.

"name and business." Levi asked his voice even more stoic than usual. "____-" you started "your late." He said from the other side and you took that as a 'come in'

You walked in to see Levi sat at his desk as usual. "Where were you?" Levi asked not looking up at you. "I was talking to the Commander.." You replied looking down at him.

"Tch, he dosnt listen." Levi mumbled "hum?" You asked trying make out what he had mumbled "nothing. I called you in here for one purpose and that is to tell you that your now a official member of my squad." He stated and looked up at you.

You had a massive smile on your face and didn't realise until Levi pointed it out.

"Stop smiling." He ordered and stood up. You immediately stopped smiling and noticed Levi walking towards you.

You tried backing away but you felt a burning sensation in your leg. You quickly leaned forward and rubbed your leg trying not to let pain get to you.

"Your still injured." Levi said stating the obvious. "Yeah.." You said squinting as the pain grew. "Sit." He ordered pointing to a chair. You made your way over to the chair and sat down. "That's better!" You sighed.

"Tch, what did you ask him?" Levi asked as you raised an eyebrow "you mean Erwin?" You asked confused. Levi just glared at you.

"Well, I just asked him what i will be doing since I'm not going home" you replied "and" Levi interrupted gesturing you to carry on.

"And, I'm going to the superiors ball.." You finished looking slightly up at him. "Who with?" Levi asked.

You couldn't help but notice how bothered he was. "Um.. The Commander" you answered feeling a bit nervous to what he would say.

Levi stood there in silence for a bit, it was strange.. "I should have known." He said in a dark, cold voice. "We are moving into the new HQ tomorrow so be ready, you are dismissed." Levi said changing the subject and sitting back in his chair.

You got up and limped towards the door. You looked back at Levi and saw him getting on with his work. You quickly opened the door and hobbled over to your room.

Looking out the window you saw it was already starting to get dark. You pulled out a case and started to pack your stuff for tomorrow. I wonder what the new HQ is going to be like?

You finished packing and sat on your bed. Why was Levi so interested in what I asked Erwin? And what were they talking about? You lent back and rested your head on your pillow. The pain in your leg has settled.

Turning towards your window the tiny glow of stars could be seen. Walking towards it you looked outside onto a pathway which was lit by candle light, that's when you saw a dark figure, it was carrying a candle light as it slowly made it's way to the side of the pathway.

Still looking outside wanting to know who it was, you slowly opened your window just slightly so you could hear if they were talking.

"Damn her." You herd the figure mumble "why? I thought he liked me." The figures mumbling started to grow louder.

"What are you doing?." Another figure said as it walked towards the other one. That's defiantly Levi.

"I-I'm just getting some fresh air.." The other figure said.
Levi walked over to the figure.
As the glow of the candle light hit the figures face you realised who it was. It was Petra.

"Get back in." Levi ordered. Petra looked at Levi for a while, she lifted her hand up to his hand and gently touched it. "What are you doing?." Levi said still remaining stoic as usual.

"Don't you want me anymore?" Petra asked and Levi slapped her hand away from his. "I never wanted you." He said in a cold icy voice and turned away.

You pulled yourself away from the window and sat on your bed. What just happened?! Do Levi and Petra have history?! Why am I feeling like this?

After asking yourself many questions that you couldn't answer you found yourself slowly drifting off to sleep.

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