The Windy Lake Rain

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He smiled at the mountains as she splashed in the lake. The white capped mountains were covered in snow, artfully shaped by glaciers. The lake was the result of glaciers sliding from the mountain and carving it out.

A stray splash of water caught him in the face. "Careful," he said warily. She grinned at him. "Aw, come on! Get wet a little." His mouth turned up fractionally at the sides. "No, thanks." She sighed dramatically, pale arms crossed over her chest.

Her attempt at seeming serious was belittled by her young, somewhat plump face and poorly concealed smile. He gave her a stern look. "I don't want to get wet, Ntala." He watched her closely.

"Fine." He lifted his book and lay back on the grass, glad of the shade of the tree next to him. A few minutes later another splash roused him from his stupor. Every time he read a book, he quickly began to stop paying attention to anything else, unintentionally.

"Ntala," he warned. But the little girl was no longer in the water. He dropped his book and stood, frantically searching the countryside for her. "Zola!" His head whipped up in time for several pieces of bark to drop into his eyes. He wiped them away.

"It's raining, Zola." Her brown hair was slicked back with lake water. He smiled, breathing out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. "Let's get back to shelter then, Ntala." Ntala smiled, dropping from the tree into his arms.

He picked up his book and her jacket, and started the walk back to home.

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