Chapter 4

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I sit curled up in a comfy chair in the library, book perched precariously on the armrest. I found this place about two days in and it has become my favourite hiding spot. It is one of the few public rooms where the windows aren't blacked out, allowing a gorgeous view of the lake beyond the town and trees. It's peaceful and almost always empty, smelling of old paper and glue. I love it.

Despite being here almost a full week, I have seen very little of the place I am staying. Three times a day food is delivered to my bed in the medical ward. I was confined to my bed for the first two days, too weak to do much more than eat and sleep. Even once I had my strength back, I stayed mainly in my assigned room, not much one for exploring. I also don't enjoy having people stare at me as I pass, which everyone here seems to do. There are just so many of them. Everywhere I turn, there is someone there talking to me or about me or just staring at me. The library has basically become my sanctuary. My island of solitude, built on paper and ink.

A whistle outside drags my eyes up from my book and out the window. A train crosses the high bridge in the distance, a trail of smoke snaking behind it. This isn't the first sign of life I have seen in the town. Boats cross the bay every now and then, sirens sound from the streets, smoke drifts lazily up from houses and stores. It doesn't seem like the town is heavily populated but there are enough people here that it amazes me that this many invalids exist like this. Although the area we are in looked pretty empty when we arrived. Maybe it's just this area that's abandoned. My hometown had a war area too. We lived just outside it. I used to go explore while my father was at work.

"Beautiful view, eh?" I jump up and whip around, my book falling to the floor with a small thud. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I hadn't heard Taylor come in. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

He takes a step towards me and I mirror him, taking a step back towards the wall of the library.

"It's okay. I'll just go," I mutter as I make to step past him to leave.

"Please don't leave. I'll get lonely," He smiles.

"I don't know about you, but I don't generally consider a library a good place to socialize." I counter sarcastically. This brings an even wider smile from Taylor. I wish he would stop smiling; it somehow makes me uncomfortable and too comfortable all at once.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Hardly anyone has seen you the past few days," He takes another step forward. I step back.

"Well thank you for your consideration but I am fine on my own."

"Well, I really am sorry I scared you." Another step forward for him, another step backwards for me. This time the concern in his eyes angers me. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"You didn't scare me," I snap, hoping he'll take the hint and leave.

"Really?" Taylor laughs, "Because I have seen rabbits with a slower reaction time." I feel my temper flaring in annoyance. I try to push it down.

"You just startled me. I don't get scared."

Taylor stares at me, a half smile on his lips, humour sparkling in his eyes.

"Oh, that's bull," He finally laughs. "Everyone has fears. I, for example, am petrified of spiders. Something must scare you."

"Nothing that can reach me here," I respond without a trace of humour. Taylor's expression turns sour at the implication. Hastily, he changes the subject.

"So, you like to read?"

"No, I just like smelling the books." I roll my eyes, waiting for him to get annoyed at my insolence. But, after a heartbeat, Taylor breaks into a grin. My god, this boy is always smiling.

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