Imaging You

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Jimin was always a flirty kind of guy. Having a crush was a normal thing for him, but Y/n was more than a crush. He never thought of someone so much as he did with her. When Y/n and he began playing video games together, he could've sworn to fall in love with her. She was competitive and didn't like being to no. It was a turn on for him, she knew exactly what she wants and told anyone what she wanted.
What he didn't know was how long they were playing games. Hours had passed since they started, the sky was jet black and the city was awake completely. Jimin looked at the clock reading 8:13.f Y/n had fallen asleep and he had just beaten her in the hundredth round of a game.
"Yes!" he says "I finally beat you!"
He looks overseeing her snuggled up with the black controller. He can't help but gawk over how adorable it was. How cute she was as a person. He takes both of the controllers and places them side by side on the black painted surface of his coffee table. The button on the TV was pressed and it too soon went to sleep. Jimin gets up and walks Y/n to her room.
She wakes up in her wrong mind.
Jimin holds her by the waist along with her arms trying to not drop her. He succeeds and the couple makes it to her room. He finds the light switch with the power to lighten anything up. He sat her on her bed and watched her tuck herself in her bed before leaving her.
He smiled, then walked away.
Images of her face scattered in his brain were stamped in his mind. Everything was just happening so fast. He had never wanted to be with someone so bad, and he was never scared of being with a girl so bad either.
He walked back to the open living room, just to turn off the lights and everything else plugged up. He flips the switch just admiring the darkness that was hugging him. To his room next, he takes his shirt off and drops himself on his dark blue sheets laying on his bed. He sits there relaxing on his back propped on a pillow thinking to himself. The moonlight casting in his room lit up the place. The dead silence boring him along the way took him into a deep slumber.
What the heck? Jimin thought as he felt something brushed against his lips. Something moist and wet. He opened his eyes to a girl.
Kissing him.
He knew the girl.
It was Y/n. Yes, he was surprised and yes this was also new. He wasn't angry, instead, he was very happy to wake up to a surprise like that. He closed his eyes again and indulged himself in the precious moment.
She let herself off of him. Jimin begins to talk.
"Y/n..." He started
"Mhm...(?)" She said resting her chin on his chest playing with the ruffles of his shirt.
"What are you doing?" He asked
"Walking you up,"
"It's not that I didn't enjoy it. But you know that you shouldn't do that..."
"Why not?! I'm your girlfriend aren't I?" She asked
"Wait- what did you just say?!" He said shooting up from his previous position
"I'm your girlfriend? What's wrong?"
"What do you mean what's wrong? I can't date my best friend's sister!"
"Jimin, did you hit your head before you went to sleep? We talked about this, and he was cool with it. I made sure of that. Don't you... remember?" She said looking at him confused
"N-no. I don't even remember confessing..." He said freaked out
She sighs
"I'm gonna be...right back," she said getting out of bed
Jimin stays put, wondering what was going on and if everything was a cruel joke. He then looks around the room he was in. It was different, the room space was larger and more open. He sees his what seemed to be his phone and picked it up.
He turns it on checking out the look screen. A picture of me and Y/n? He thinks. Weird he thinks again. He inserts his password and opens his phone to another background of him and Y/n. He begins to blush.
He sets his phone down and gets out of bed, walking toward the bathroom. When he walks in he sees a counter with two sinks, aside belonging to Y/n he assumed. It was full of female products and his (most likely) wasn't.
"Jimin," Y/n sung
"...yeah?" he said back
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. Just...forget about this morning, okay?"
"Are you telling me this was a cruel joke?!" She says standing at the bathroom door
Jimin jumps back, surprised at how fast she was able to move
"Woah, you're fast."
"When I wanna be. Now listen Park Jimin. Don't ever do that again! Do you want me to punish you?"
"I'm sorry, did you just say, punish?"
"I wasn't speaking in Mandarin was I? Have you forgotten just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't have tricks up my sleeve? I can make you remember,"
"N-no! I'm good, no need." Jimin said
"Good. Don't do it again, you'll make me sad."
"Um... okay?"
"So, now that you're awake what do you want for breakfast?"
"Not sure what do we have?"
"Enough to make something decent."
"Toast and fruit!"
"That's so... simple,"
"You want more?"
"Yep, I have an idea to make it go over the top."
"What will that be?" Jimin asked squinting his eyes, smiling into his strong stare
"A surprise!" Y/n said walking off making Jimin lead behind her
On the way to the kitchen, Jimin passed by many pictures. Pictures he never knew existed and were mostly of Y/n and him. Faint pictures of family members were present but what really stood out to him was a selfie of him and Y/n. This time in cap and gowns.
What year is it? He asked himself. He looks over in the now noise filled kitchen with Y/n standing their looking beautiful as always. She was the same, for some reason she looked more mature.
"Need help?" He asked from afar
"No, I got it! Go back to our room and relax. You always do everything,"
"No goodbye kiss?" Y/n asked facing him now
"I'd never forget," Jimin said walking over with open arms
He comes closer to the girl near the stove that was set on low. She smiles as he comes close to her body. Her smile was contagious so Jimin smiled back. His lips meet hers again. He wanted it to be soft and cute. It was, that was then when Y/n slid her hands down his heavily tatted arm.
Y/n let's go of his magnetic and juicy lips. Even if she didn't want to, now wasn't the time to let her guard down and submit to Jimin. She had responsibilities and things to do. She looks down and her maroon nail painted hand tapped against the brim of his neck.
"You're a fantastic kisser..." Jimin breathlessly said
"Well, you're not so bad yourself. With lips like yours, you'd be telling a lie if you couldn't kiss."
Jimin chuckles
"Are you sure you don't need help?" He asks one more time
"I'm sure. Just go back to our room and relax..."
"Fine. I'm trusting you," he said walking away with his finger pointed to Y/n
"As well as you should."
Jimin flees back to he and Y/n's room just looking around the small box. How everything was set up, the way things were extremely different. A small package caught Jimins eye, it was addressed to him and he had nothing else to do. He goes to his bedside table and picks the brown colored rectangle up.
"Hm...where would the scissors be?" He said looking around.
"Over there?" He asked himself once he spotted them next to Y/n's jacket.
He gets up and takes the sharp object away from her jacket, it looked like it had a ton of memories with it. It was completely decorated, Y/n's name was written on it in some material that he knew would never come off.
"...okay, now I know I should be scared she's Namjoon's sister." He said walking back to the bed.
Jimin cuts open the box. Inside he finds a smaller black box.
Maybe he panicked.
"What the-"
He takes the small black box out and tries to open it hoping his mind wasn't driving him crazy.
"... shit," he whispered
There was a small ring inside. A ring with a black diamond on the inside. It was gorgeous, he'd buy it for her. But looks of things she's just like Jimin. Only a little bit nicer.
"Jimin! I finished making breakfast- are you holding a r-ring?"
Now I'm fucked Jimin thought in his mind
"JIMIN IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP!" he heard being yelled
Y/n? He thought
He shot open his eyes and sat up, making eye contact with Y/n who was standing in the doorway not looking content.
"What?" He says softly
"Have you not heard me call your name for ten minutes?"
"I made breakfast and it's starting to get cold."
"I'm coming," he said
"... okay," she said walking off

Hello, and Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took forever for me to get all my fanfictions done, with me being out for winter break and really exhausted from school and getting things together, I wasn't doing my best and I'm sorry about that. Don't forget to read, comment and vote to support me and help me to know if this chapter wasn't terrible. Follow my social media to stay updated about fanfictions and other stuff. Bye 👋 ~ParkJamjams

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