Nothing Alike

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"Ha, hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, I think I found the perfect place to live."
"Cool, is it in your budget?"
"Yep. One bedroom loft."
"Sounds cozy,"
"Yep, so...where are we going?"
"No idea,"
"Well, let's go, walk around in the city and stuff,"
"Um, okay,"
"I don't remember going home with you. I remember being your ride'd you get home?"
"Jimin took me home."
"Ah...I see, hot bad boy was first to take you home?"
"Maybe...I got drunk...and I guess he didn't think it was safe for me to stay."
"If you were drunk I bet you accidentally made out with him."
"You most likely made out with him. Am I wrong? You've been drunk around me before."
Y/n stops the car, throwing Haeun off. Her face was drenched in a red shade. She wasn't exactly expecting what Haeun was saying. It was only the first day of Jimin being with her and already Haeun got the gist of how everything happened. It was weird but Haeun suspected everything. But Haeun was the first to know how she felt of Jimin, and she also said no one would know about the relationship. At least Namjoon wouldn't know. Not yet. Does it mean anything if Haeun found out? She was her closet friend, all her life she knew her.
"What did we say about secrets? Do we have to bring up middle school?
"Then what's up? You stopped the car for a reason and your face is completely red."
She looks over again.
Having trouble with the decision.
Would Jimin be angry
"You're right."
"I'm right? Right about what? Lying or-"
"About Jimin...and I,"
"You kisses him,"
"I was really drunk. I spilt a drink on Jimin without knowing and I was sorry so I helped him."
"What do you mean help?"
"I helped clean his shirt. Meaning I got to see him shirtless..."
"He was just so hot. His tattoos, the common bad boy hairstyle, he kept combing his hair back with his fingers and I couldn't fucking take it anymore. It was torture not locking lips with him. I would fuck him any day if I could."
"Well...did you?"
"...No, but we were this close," she said squinting her fingers, "Someone knocked on the door ruining the mood so he took me home after getting his shirt a little dry."
"Woah...then what was this morning like?"
Y/n smiles, "I uh...woke up in his bed. He was still shirtless and hotter than ever. And...we agreed to date each other. He really likes me and I really like him, Namjoon can't keep us apart. I liked him before I found out he was my brothers best friend and it was the same for him. But then I don't want to be the reason they stop being friends. I wasn't even supposed to tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because! All of this was meant to be a secret, so Namjoon doesn't know and things get out of hand."
"Tell Jimin about this, you don't want the beginning of your relationship have a lie."
"When I see him again. He had to go out."
"Let's just go out...for a second time."
"Yeah, I'm on it,"
"Ooh, I'm starving." Haeun said
"Yeah, me too,"
"Wanna go there first?"
The girls walk into the restaurant. The look around the small business and look to see what they would like to get. Y/n reads the menu stuck up against the rough brick wall. She puts her hands in the pockets of her pants and reads the options carefully. She looks back a Haeun who to was looking for something to eat.
"Let's get a basket of fries and share it."
"And get a couple of milkshakes because I love sugar?"
"Totally. Let's order,"
Ugh...look at what that girls wearing...
Y/n turns her head to the side trying to think off of whatever someone said. She hoped it wasn't about her and Haeun. She really didn't have time to get in a fight with someone because of their rude behavior in public. She hated childish people who always had to say something dumb like the universe craved for it. Haeun starts talking to the cashier and Y/n continues to listen for any other unwanted comments.
What's up with her hair? Is she trying to be Badass or something?
Y/n then knew the girls were talking about her. Haeun taps Y/n's telling her in a secret way not to bother with them and they were probably dumb kids with no common sense. So Y/n looked at her and shook her head in a way saying okay. She let it go, at least she pretended to let it go. But like Namjoon said, people are gonna be a bag of dicks and right now he was utterly right.
(Timeskip: Food is given)
"Thank you," the girls both say taking all of their food
They walk off to a seat next to window overlooking the lit city outside. Perfect scenery with the decent furniture, wall decorations and much more. Y/n was feeling good about spending time with Haeun. She was always happy to be with her. It was just a common thing, when you see your best friend you're automatically overjoyed it was just how it was.
"Can you homeless people get out of our spots?" an unknown girl said
"What did you say?"
"I told you they're homeless she can't even understand me."
"I'm sorry but did you say something targeted to me and my friend?"
"I're in our seats,"
"Well I'm sorry girls but we're not moving, and for your information we're aren't fucking homeless. It's obvious we have money, able to buy decent clothing and we look presentable don't we? But why am I asking you."
"You see, I wasn't asking you a question though,so..."
"And I wasn't trying listen to your so called orders, bitch"
"You're making a big mistake whoever you are,"
"I can bet money that I'm not. Girls like you don't and will not scare me,"
"Will this teach you...(?)"
The unnamed girl takes her cup and props it over her shirt. Y/n gasps out of surprise while the girl gets the attention of everyone around her.
"Back up Haeun," Y/n says, "See that was very low of you,"
"Sorry not sorry,"
"Oh...I can tell you're not sorry. I could give two fucks about it though. It's problematic that a grown woman like you is losing her mind over a seat in a restaurant. I was just trying to eat with my best friend who I haven't seen in a few months. But- you come around and decide that you run this place but I don't see a uniform so does that mean you run this place? I don't think you do."
"Did I say I was done talking? No, so please stop talking. I have too many issues to worry about you wanting to just have a fucking seat for who? The girl you call your friend who might just be using you. So let me tell you one little thing...just come and confront me about bullshit. I'm not the bitch to mess with, but you already knew that didn't you? It's why you decided to talk to me today, am I wrong?"
"I asked you a question," Y/n said with her arms crossed
"Loss of words already? Wow, you didn't even last. I swear this is the last thing I have to say...ok- so...fucking spill your drink on me again!" Y/n said  said pushing her and Haeun's basket of fries coated in ketchup on the girls face.
She wasn't sorry.
The girl started it and did not need to treat Y/n like she was weak. Being called weak is like threatening her of her life.
"Y/n?!" Somebody shouted from the front door. It wasn't Haeun this time. The voice was deeper only by a bit.
"What're you doing?"
"You know this girl Jimin-ah?"
"What did you just say?"
"His favorite nickname,"
"H-how did you know that?"
"Oh, he didn't tell you? I'm his girlfriend,"
"Yunhee? What's going on?!" Namjoon exclaimed walking on with the other boys
"What...(?)" Y/n said responding to Yunhee
"What!?" Jimin shouted
"You're...her boyfriend?" Y/n asked Jimin boxing with her emotions
"You never said that to tell me?!" She whispered
"Let me-"
She didn't care.
So she slapped him.
Not thinking about the others.
Y/n put the basket down and ran outside letting her tears stream down her face.
"Why would you say that?!" Jimin asked
"Because it's true,"
"No. It's no-"
"Yunhee the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"Nothing Namjoon!"
"You whore! That was my fucking sister you bitch."
"Your sister?"
Jimin and Namjoon ran out to the open world hoping to find the nearest place she could be. But soon, they found her, hiding behind a wall of a building.
Loud enough to hear miles away.
This was the last thing Jimin wanted, he was so worried and didn't want to loose Y/n just for his crazy ex- girlfriend that still felt she was his.
"Y/n?" They both ask
"Leave me alone..." She said in between sniffs
"Don't listen to Yunhee," Jimin said
"Why not? She made it clear you're hers..."
"It's all lies, we broke up our second year. I haven't talked to her since. She was too clingy, and didn't give me room to breathe. You're a better... friend than her."
"You swear?"
"I swear,"
"Flower come really scared me back there."
"I'm sorry Joonie. I tried not to let her win I really did. I guess I'm w-weak,"
"Stop. You are not weak. You're so much better okay. Just just a jealous bitch she can't be awesome like you!"
"... Thanks,"
"What're big brothers for? Let's go back inside to clear everything up."
"Is it true you're the Kim Namjoon's sister?!" Many others asked Y/n
"What're they talking about? Joonie did you tell?!"
"Aw...she calls him jOoNie,"
"Don't fucking say that. Last time I checked, you aren't my sister,"
"What Y/n? People were bound to find out any moment?"
"...Just think about last night," Jimin said, "We can do it again if that'll make you feel better,"
"What happened last night?"
"Ahm...we played her favorite video games after I took her home from the party."
"Oh... cool,"
"Yep...anyways let's clean up and get out of here."
As the group of boys along with Haeun and Y/n, they cleaned their mess and apologized to the staff working there. But there stood Yunhee. Looking smug with her arms crossed.
"Yunhee right?"
"That's right."
"Sorry to break it to you but please just stop chasing after a dream that won't come true."
"We'll see about that, Flower,"
"Did I hear someone that wasn't me say the last name I created? Yunhee how about you get a life and leave us alone. You aren't popular and you'll never get the life you used to have back. Shouldn't you be the one waiting tables?"
"So you're prancing around the streets like you're the shit when all you are is the lowest zero out there. It's why a Jimin fucking doesn't want to be around you, why he couldn't give a shit about you, not even my brother has respect for your dumbass. You may have made me cry but that was the only fucking time."
"Lies...Am I right Jungkook?"
"I don't talk to whores. Y/n will always better than you."
Yunhees mouth gapes open.
"Close your mouth honey, you don't want flies around you right? Oops, I guess it's too late since all you shit." Y/n said walking out the door accompanied by her brother
"That's the bad bitch I know," Namjoon joked
"Yeah, yeah..."
"For real though, you're following in my footsteps."
"What? I'm not that bad..."
"No, I just- really wanted those fries..."
He chuckles, "Guys, Y/n's hungry. Anybody has an idea on where to eat?"
"Ooh! I know a place!" Jin says running to Namjoon in a really dumb way
A way that made him question why they were even friends. Because he has those moments. But it only made Y/n laugh more at her brother.

Hi there! Chapter was a bit longer than I expected but whatever. If you've made it this far congratulations 🎉. You're the best person on earth. SO, uh...I...uh, some how broke my laptop screen and stuff and it's gonna take time for me to fix it. Currently, it still isn't fixed but I'm working on it. I'm just glad I didn't lose EVERYTHING since I had some important shit on there so yeah. For right now I'll be writing for the next couple of weeks on my iPad and that also means there will be NO edited chapters for the time being. I'll fix them later, I swear. With all of that, this is my boost to work on my instagram and stuff since I can't do half the shit I do on my laptop with my iPad. I'm fine...Don't forget to read, comment and vote to help a fellow ARMY who's gonna be broke after paying for repairs! Follow my social media to stay updated about fanfictions and other stuff. Bye guys...~ParkJamjams💖

(Thanks for coming to my TED talk)

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