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Our van arrived in front of the house. It was actually more like a mansion, but it gave off a rich and dangerous vibe. Like something that urges you to come closer and explore, but also tells you to stay away.

Sort of like a vault of cursed jewels, shining and gleaming, but you know you shouldn't go closer, for it is cursed.

The mansion seemed cursed.

Me and the other select members were packed into the back of the van. The van was supposed to hold 12 people, and we had 21, including the driver.

Everybody else was asleep except for one. He was a male. He seemed too innocent to be here. I would have felt pity, but we both knew that he was lucky to be alive, even if he was a slave.

"What do you want?" he snapped, reminding me that my eyes were still on him. That must have been awkward.

"Uh... sorry I zoned out," I said, rubbing the back of my neck shyly. I was born in a place where males were incompetent and were good for nothing.

I never interacted with males, unless I had to. My mother would have scolded me for the rest of my life if she saw me in my current situation, surrounded by boys.

But she raised me like this. Raised me to become a slave. Seems stupid, but to move to this region, you must be strong, or dead.

I chose strong.

"Could you, like not stare at me. It's creepy as fuck," he says, rolling his eyes.

He was probably one of those little teenagers, going through puberty or something. "How old are you?" I accidentally blurted, without thinking.

I never think before I speak. I can bet it'll lead to my death one day. "It's none of your business, but 16."

Wow. He only lived 16 years, but was strong enough for this. When I was 16, I was in prison, unable to fight back.

Three years later, I was flustered around handsome men. A lot of handsome men.

The van had been still for a while, the driver still in the seat. Nobody had gotten out. The boys didn't wake up either.

"Jae...move your knee," a voice broke through the silence. "Finally you guys are awake. I've been bored for the past hour," the sixteen year-old said.

"Ugh, my head is pounding," said the same voice. "Jae, you awake?"

He sat up, trying to fix his hair. I could only watch. "Jae, get up."

"Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae," he said, annoyingly.

I rolled my eyes. It was near 3 AM, and my head was starting to hurt.

"Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, Jae, J--"

"Shut up, will you?" I interrupted involuntarily. I was about to apologize for snapping at him, until he screamed.

"Geezwhattheheckgoddammitbro," he exclaimed. I slowly backed away from him.

"I didn't expect any girls to be here," he says to me. I study his face. His eyes were sharp and brown. Deep brown. Eyebrows were bushy and furrowed, in a confused way. His nose was pointed and high. His lips were thin and pursed.

And his jawline was sharp. Extremely sharp.

"Hello?" he asked, snapping me out of my daze. "Yes?" I asked.

"I cannot deal with this. I don't want to work with her," a voice said.

I turned to see another person looking at me with disgust in his eyes. "Did you see how she was looking at you?" he scowled.

"What," I said. "What do you mean."

"Listen, Taeyong isn't your prey, for you to feast on. Nor is he your little boy toy. Just because you are the only girl here, doesn't mean we'll immediately fall for you," he said, waking up some more people.

So Taeyong was his name. "She's not the only girl here," mumbled another voice.

A feminine voice.

(a/n): oof happy yuwin day

also how tf did i get 15 votes and 45 views in 19 hours.

not much but more than usual lol

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