Sam: * yawns*
-out of no were-
* a wolf walks near the hut*
Sam: * hears wolf breathing fast*
Sam: " who is there?"
In the black wolf mind: " who are u and how can u hear me?"
Sam: " looks at the woods*
Sam's Mind: " because Am a Hybrid of other kind"
* black wolf walks near the Hybrid?*
* black wolf starts to growl*
* other wolves runs out of woods*
* someone scamming*
Sam: * growls* " oh no!"
- Sam sped away-
(Sam's wolf/werewolf from)
* blond/white wolf: * growls*
* other wolves's mind: " join us Little girl!"
Blond/white wolf's Mind: " ever!"
Blond/white wolf: * barking at other wolves*
Blond/white wolf: * bites into one of the wolves*
*One of wolves yelps*

Story about my niece..real her...and yes she's Hybrid and Kid to my sister wolfWhere stories live. Discover now