Chapter Eight

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The Fabulous Adventures of Sassy Sasuke

Chapter Eight

“Hitomi~!” Sasuke sang, doing something between a frolic or a skip towards the red headed female. Her eyebrow twitched, for she knew what was coming. Sasuke had recently returned from a mission, and when he did, god was he horny. 

“Oh look,” Hinata drawled, crossing her arms and leaning on one leg. “Hitomi, your sex-driven duck is back home.” 

“I’m well aware.” Hitomi couldn’t deny that she’d missed the sweet, caring side of her boyfriend. But, to get to that part of him, she had to endure at least three days of non-stop sexual harassment. 

“Hitomi, sweetie! Have you been studying while I was away?” The raven stopped beside the red head, who was considerably confused. 

“Studying… for what?” Even this perked Hinata’s interest, and a lopsided smirk fell upon her features. 

“Yes, what has dear ‘ole Hitomi have to study for, now?” Sasuke’s expression was one of innocent confusion. 

“Didn’t I tell you?” 

“Tell me what?!” Hitomi pressed, annoyed at how dense the Uchiha was. She was sure the clan was full of geniuses, but maybe it skipped a generation. Sasuke’s, to be precise. 

The Uchiha grinned, “Sex positions, of course! Because the last time we did it, the position was very effective.” Hitomi’s fists clenched, and her face glowed a bright red, about the same color as her fiery hair. The Uchiha poked her arm, pursing his lips. “You need to work on your dirty talk, too.” 

“Oh,” Hinata held in her laughter, covering her mouth with one of her hands. “Hitomi, both Sasuke and I could teach you. Naruto can join in too,” She edged closer, nudging the fuming girl. “between you and me, he’s a little weak in that area too.”

Hitomi forced a smile, facing Sasuke. “Sasuke, babe, I just remembered I forgot to turn the oven off.”

“Dear,” Sasuke picked at his nails. “If you just want to go have sex, just say it.” Hitomi grabbed Sasuke’s hand and ducked her head as Hinata could no longer hold in her laughter. 

“Just, come on.”

~           ~           ~

“So, let me get this straight…” Itachi stood in the lounge room once more, looming over Sasuke’s body with Hitomi at his side. Blood pooled on the floor, and Hitomi decided to make Sasuke clean up this time. 

She didn’t have the patience for all the cleansers and soaps. “He fell… again?” Hitomi nodded, crossing her arms. “And, the same knife just happened to be on the floor… again?” Hitomi nodded once more. “And, can I point out once more, he’s a ninja…. Plus an Uchiha.” Itachi sighed, glancing at the girl as he awaited her answer. 

Hitomi shrugged, “I have a nagging suspicion that my knives get up and walk out of the cupboard.” Itachi sighed, rubbing his temples.

“Should I get the mop?” 

“Yup.” Itachi turned to the red head, giving her a small smile. Hitomi narrowed her eyes, suspicious.

“Hitomi, maybe you’d want to remove your pants.” Hitomi raised her eyebrows, confused. 

“And why is that?” Itachi gave her a close eyed smile,

“Because of splash back from the water. We wouldn’t want those beautiful pants to get ruined, would we?” Hitomi eyed the man up and down. “So, what do you say? I’m removing mine, since these cost a fortune.” Itachi started unbuckling his pant buttons, and Hitomi smirked.

“I’ll consider it.”


lol. it's not edited. Too tired~ 
Aaaand, our lovely ayameuchiha786 wrote this chapter, actually. so. that's what it's being updated so early xDD Oops.  

ohohohohohohohoh! And, for those of who read Ignorance is Bliss, I wanna do a chapter of Bliss, because she's my favorite, and cute, and I love her. the end. The other characters in the Akatsuki should be added soon, too. c:

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