Chapter Nine

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The Fabulous Adventures of Sassy Sasuke

Chapter Nine

Bliss groaned, begrudgingly following behind the tall blonde. She didn’t remember how many times she had told him no. But, obviously, it hadn’t been enough. And, upon their disagreement, he had drug her along with him, ignoring her demands.

But, to Deidara, her schooling was stupid. The girl was lucky she was cute. Whatever Deidara wanted, Deidara got. And, right now, he wanted to see his old friend.

“Sasuke!” He called, making Bliss want to crawl into a hole. When together, these two were the worst.
“Deidara!” The raven called back, appearing from around the corner. Bliss watched Hitomi as she got dragged around the corner, looking just as sour as she, herself felt.

Neither girl enjoyed these reunions. It only meant one thing- lower self-esteem than they arrived with. And, as the two boys were commonly nicknamed Sassy Sasuke, and Diva Deidara… Well, it didn’t take much for them to put someone down.

The girls waited quietly as they watched their boyfriends interact, hoping they wouldn’t be noticed. But, as their conversations dropped away from Deidara’s lavish hair, to Sasuke’s teeth, they knew it wouldn’t be long until they were targeted.

And, to think Bliss could be studying. Even that would be better than this torture.
“I see you still have that pig following you around,” Deidara commented casually, not at all caring that Hitomi was in earshot. Nor did Sasuke with Bliss, apparently.

“At least I’m not dating the world’s first walking potato,” Sasuke shot back. And to think he complimented Deidara’s shirt. Poor boy didn’t know that it was so last season. He was just trying to be nice.

“She’s smart!” Deidara defended, puffing up.

Sasuke short a pointed look to the blonde. “It’s wearing glasses.”

Bliss consciously touched the thick rimmed edges, instantly regretting her decision to turn down the contacts she was offered, earlier. Deidara had said it was fine. But, now, she was sure he’d make her get rid of noticeable accessory on her face, whether it meant her going blind, or not.

Hitomi, on the other hand, uninterestedly picked at her nails. She heard Deidara throw another pig joke at Sasuke, but it didn’t bother her. In reality, it probably hurt Sasuke’s pride more than hers.
“Yeah, well, at least I can make my pig moan louder than your potato!”

“You’re on!” Deidara yelled back. And, as they boys turned, they found two empty spots where their girlfriends were previously standing. Sasuke and Deidara both realized at the same time that they had been left alone; their argument making passer-by’s walk a bit faster than they really needed to.

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