Bedroom: Nick (Young)

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I woke up, not able to get much sleep. There was a thunderstorm occurring outside, and it was quiet in the house. Like, really quiet. I looked around in my dark room, until I heard the radio behind me play a message.

"Hello? Hello, hello? Um.. Nick? Uh, hey little Nicky! It's me, Micheal..."

Confused and startled, I was surprised that the person talking on the radio was Micheal, the man Dad and Mom found in our home earlier. I was put to bed before I could talk to him.

"H-hey, don't say anything back to me.... Okay, there are monsters around and they'll hear you if you do."

I put on a 'WHAAAAAAAAAT' face the moment he said "Monsters". There are monsters in the house, and they're coming for me??!!!

"Now, don't be scared Nick, okay? Just listen to me, and you can defeat those monsters, alright?"

To be honest, I was still scared at the fact that there are monsters around, and I vaguely wondered if Dad, Mom, and Micheal were okay. But Micheal was here to help, and all I have to do is listen, apparently.

"So... these monsters might look, um.... surreal, but don't look at them too long, or you'll feel weird, and see creepy things. If you do, turn on the desk lamp next to your bed, you'll feel safe there."

I wasn't liking this, at all. But if I want to live to eat ice cream with my parents again, I'm gonna have to follow these instructions. I turned on the desk lamp and continued to listen to the radio message.

"The more you stare at the scary monsters, the worst you'll feel."

Don't stare at the monsters, got it.

"Okay, um.... first thing's first, Freddy... uhhh, the fuzzy brown bear, uh, he's at the window, um, and he'll peek inside. Close the curtains and keep them close until you hear him leave, or else, he'll get inside.

"Uh, then there's Bonnie, the, uh, ill-tempered big purple bunny, uh, keep an eye on your door, he'll be there. Uh, he's not shy at all, he will knock on the door to let you know he's there. Once he opens the door, shut off the lights as fast as you can. He can't see you well in the dark, and he'll leave. Oh, but make sure you're sitting down when you do that!"

Close curtains for Freddy, turn off lights and sit down for Bonnie... okay, got it.

"Okay, uh, then there's the chicken... um.... that's a little bit weird, um... check the closet often. When she's peeking through, make sure to disable the lights. She doesn't want to be seen, but ignoring her doesn't help either. If she does catch you with the lights on, she'll scare you and stun you. Hey, I know this is a lot to take in little Nicky-

It really was.

-but just listen carefully, and try to remember it all, please, okay?"

My brain hurts a lot right now.

"Okay, last is Foxy, uh, he'll be right beneath your bed, Nick. You'll hear scrapping at the bottom of the crib when he's there. Be watchful for his hook at the back of the bed, because soon enough, he'll be right there, next to the bed. Don't look directly at him, Nick. Instead, pretend to sleep. You just have to lie down, without moving too much, then look up, and close your eyes. Foxy sees eyes as if they're big, bright spotlights, so if you pretend to sleep, he won't know you're there anymore, but don't open them until you know he's gone, okay?"

I'm going to forget everything in just a minute, but I listened on.

"Okay, so to recap: Freddy is at the window, so when you see him peeking close the curtains until you know he's gone... Bonnie will knock on the door and open it afterwards, so disable the lights and sit down until he leaves.. Chica will try to stun you by scaring you, so if you see her peeking through the closet shut off your lights and DON'T pretend to sleep, she'll think you're gone... Foxy will be under the crib and moves upwards, so when he's next to your bed, pretend to sleep until you hear him leave. Alright you got all that? Alright, good. Um, listen, I have to go, little buddy, but hang in there, they'll leave at 6 A.M., I'm sure of it. You can do this, bud."

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