Living Room: Val (cont.)

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"Uh, hello? Is someone there?"

I heard a message coming from somewhere. It sounded like it was coming specifically from the clock.

"If anyone is there, please respond immediately!"

"Who is it?", I asked, very curious. "What in God's name is going on here?"

"Oh, um... it's me, Michael."

Michael? The man Scott and I was talking about?

"Uh, look- there's no time to explain, just know you are in grave danger! Is Scott there with you?"

"My husband? No, he isn't, h-he just went to-" I paused, realizing what Michael had just said. "What do you mean I'm in danger?!"

It was hard to hear him say it, but I could swear on my life Michael mumbled "Oh no".

"Uh, ma'am, I am very, VERY sorry. This is all my fault- you need to stay calm, I'll try to help you through this, just please listen to me very carefully."

I still had no freaking idea what was going on here, and I was getting very, VERY scared.


"Listen, there are monsters that are going to arrive to your room real soon. If they see you, you are DEAD. Do you understand that ma'am? It is VERY important that whatever occurs, just DON'T let them see you! Alright?"

I was in shock. "I-I....I..."

"I know, I know, look..... just..."

I heard him sigh before he continued.

"You're in the living room, right? Try to focus on the three entrances behind you. The exit to the house should be locked and they won't come through there. If there are any monitors nearby, then they should be forced to produce a camera system for you. Ma'am is the TV in your living room turned on?"

"Uh... yes, but it's filled with static.", I said, staring at the TV screen.

"Alright, now, please keep an eye on it. It should help you. Look, they usually come the left side, or the right side. You have nothing to stop them, so, if you see one about to enter your room, just.... hide."

I looked around, but couldn't see anywhere to hide. "Hide?! Hide where?!"

I could tell he actually didn't know where I could hide either... well, not like he could see my room or anything.

"Uh- Just-.. L-Look, just stay out of sight, okay?!!!"

For some reason, Michael sounded desperate... I wonder why.

"Yes, if they try to come in, just move somewhere they won't be able to see you, okay? I don't know which one will come from which side, but if you look at the TV, you might be able to tell by yourself.

"Maybe if you can, try to see if you can look through the doors too. Uh, the windows...Keyholes... Yes, keyholes! If any of your doors has a keyhole you can peek through, keep checking it, they won't notice you on the other side, trust me."

I noticed the double doors behind me had a keyhole. 'Someone's in there?', I asked myself. 

"So yes, I can't stress this enough. If anything comes through those doors, HIDE. Just, hide away from view. You might hear noises later on in the night- pay attention to those. Don't look at anything that appears in your room, and try to stay safe, please."

"D-do I have to stay here all night?" I had no idea why I asked that question, considering I suggested to Scott earlier that we do exactly that.

"What about my children?! What about my husband?!"

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