Kim Jaehwan 😇My idol😇 {Part 1}

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You just transferred into the new school and you seemed to have gotten in quite well, in a few weeks. A miracle, indeed. You took music as you major and took choir classes. You were praised by your conductor everyday because of your voice and some people seemed to be jealous.......

Out of all, Kim Jaehwan was your idol. You admire him since the moment  you heard his voice. Such an angelic human who doesn't crack his voice while doing high notes 😂.

"Eomma, I'm off."Your eomma smiled and patted your head.

"Do well, alright?"

"Arrasseo,"You smiled, looking at your sister's photos. She was the champion of Produce 101, Jeon Somi (I miss those IOI vobes 😭). She graduated from SOPA and joined Produce 101. She was considered an inspiration to the family. Everytime you went with her, everyone will crowd and ask for her signature and more. This is why, you are jealous of her and try to do your best to beat your sister. You would like to be better than her.

You then walked to school and walked in your classroom. Thankfully, the air conditioner wiped off your sweat, not making you smell. You looked to your right, Jaehwan who was looking at previous scores which we learnt. You admire this guy so much that people thought you liked him. Not a single feeling bloomed in your heart. Just an idol, that's all.

"Hey, (Y/N)."Excitement washed over you, your admiration talking to you for the first time.

"A-a-a-anyeonghasayeo. Jeon (Y/N) immida."

"I already know that...."


"Your cute,"He chuckled, making you blush.

Your best friend stared at you from afar, teasing you.

"Kim Jaehwan oppa, she likes you!!"My extra best friend shouted from the other end. I raised my eyebrows, wanting to throw a fist at her. Jaehwan
laughed hysterically, the most famous laugh known.

The conductor came in the class and started the individual test. We were required to sing in front of our whole 30-people-choir. Grades would then be given and our conductor, Mr Kim, approves according to his liking.

As Jaehwan sang, you could feel your heart fluttering. You wished you really had his voice. You wanted to be like him, successful at first sight. You knew dreams won't always come true so you just continued to admire him.

After it all ended, you and Jaehwan went separate ways. He bid goodbye to you and made you smile. His charming smile caused you to giggle.

Jaehwan POV

I've been crushing on (Y/N) since she came to our class. She changed my thought of hating girls. She's one and only out of all who is talented, kind, caring and all. Words aren't enough to explain how I feel. Wait, that reminds me of my group, Wanna One's song, Light. ( 혹시나 말론 다 보이지 않을 가봐~Jaehwan's line, pre-chorus)

Ong hyung suddenly approached me with a smile.

"What's up with you? I've been seeing you smiling at (Y/N) since you walked out..."He teased me. And that made me chuckled.

"Hyung, you need to listen to me. I know words aren't enough to describe but...imma just giving a try."Seongwoo hyung gestured me to continue.

"Okay, okay."I continued.

"So its like this. Nan joha (Y/N) ssi. She's sweet, kind, warm-hearted, caring, pretty and all."Seongwoo hyung raised his eyebrows.

"Prove me then."He said cooly.

"Arrasseo. Starting from tomorrow, I'm going to bring you secretly to her acts to prove what I said."

"Okay,okay."Hyung immitated me in a cringy way. I laughed uncontrollably

"Bwoyeo itji?"I continued while giggling. Ong hyung chuckled.

*Time skipeu*

Jaehwan called Seongwoo hyung randomly on a Monday and brought him to stalk (Y/N) after class, in a good way.

"Hana, warm-hearted."

Jaehwan smirked,"No problem."

Just as planned, they begged a random cleaner from the school to pretend to fall down with a bag of apples. (Y/N)  saw it and immidiately ran towards him. She took out her earpiece and brought him up. She even picked those apples back in the bag for him.

"Ahjussi, gwenchanhayeo?"She looked worriedly at the ahjussi who was trying to get up weakly with the help of (Y/N).

Jaehwan on the other hand was smiling broadly at Ong. He only nodded his head approvingly yet asked him to prove more.

"Dul, kind." "Arrasseoyeo. Okay,okay."

Jaehwan quickly made a mess along the school's corridor before (Y/N) came. Ong can't help but to laugh. He was very sure that (Y/N) was not going to clean up all those litters.

As Jaehwan and Seongwoo his near a wall, they watched (Y/N) closely. She slipped on one of the banana peel and fell. Jaehwan felt miserable and wanted to help yet Seongwoo stopped him.

"Aishhhh! Who is this who created this mess?! Sh*b*l! Other schoolmates would have also stepped on this. I better clean it up before my other schoolmates step on it."She politely said with some aegyeo. Ong was jaw-dropped by then and only saw Jaehwan smiling like a freak.

"Fine then! But I still don't believe it! She's always the cold-hearted girl we know! This must've been fake! One more then!"Seongwoo complained and demanded Jaehwan. Our main everything stuttered and thought of another act to do.

"Bingo! I shell test her honesty!"Ong laughed at the stupid idea once more.

"You know she's going to lie! Just like you on Weekly Idol!"Ong held back his laugh and smiled while Jaehwan remained serious.

"You know if I was right, I will assume that you dont like her,right? I will tell our whole school that you like if I was right!"Jaehwan poured at the thought.

Jaehwan grabbed his hands and ran towards (Y/N) up front.

"(Y/N) ssi!"Jaehwan called out for you. You blushed at the sight of him and only stood still while smiling.

"Neon naega johassi?"

To be continued.....

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