First Chapter

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Quick footsteps were heard running as a girl cloaked in all white ran from her pursuers, hopping over a brick fence to throw them off. She landed with minimal problems, waiting to hear the idiots behind her slam straight into the wall with a thud before continuing to run. She stopped to check the silvery watch strapped to her wrist. The time read 7:00. She looked up from her watch once she was surrounded by men in all black suits, classic black fedoras atop their thick heads.

"We finally caught you," a man taller than the others approached her, taking off his hat to reveal a bald head and beady maroon eyes. "Alice Lotto."

Alice grinned mischievously, bowing. "Lord Darius of 1965. A pleasure to meet, but I'm afraid the pleasure is only yours." She pulled her weapon from her holster, examining it. "This is a form I haven't seen yet, at least not on my weapon. It appears to be a 1990 Colt Anaconda. Though I suppose that makes sense, it's popular in this time."

"What the hell are you blabbering about?" Darius snarled, obviously annoyed. "Whatever. Men, cut her down." Darius pointed at Alice and each man in the circle around her shot a single bullet from their own revolvers, creating a small fuss of smoke.

When the smoke cleared Alice still stood, appearing completely untouched. She flashed a condescending smile. "Oh goodness. Did you all really think that would kill me?" she feigned surprise, "I'll share a secret with you all, and I know you'll keep quiet." She pointed her gun at her own head. "Innocence is my weakness." Now she pointed her gun at Darius. "As my duty as Time Guardian I sentence you to death Lord Darius of 1965, for breaking a law of time. Law number three hundred sixty seven. Cheating death through time travel."

His eyes widened, but it was too late, for only a second later she fired her gun, the bullet landing in the directional area of his heart. He dropped. Alice looked to the men surrounding her. "Well if you don't mind I must be going, other anomalies to fix, fugitives to kill, so forth." She pressed a button on the side of her watch and dissipated into the air, temporary white sparks being the only evidence she was ever there to begin with.


"Glad to see you back Chief," Alice's assistant, Makito greeted upon Alice's arrival back on the Vessel of Time. "How was the mission?"

Alice scowled, allowing Makito to slide the cloak off her shoulders as she removed her white gloves, revealing a scar shaped as a perfect circle with an equally perfectly centered dot in the middle on the palm of her right hand. "It was rather tedious I must say. How has she been?"

Makito brushed his blonde strands of hair out of his eyes. "You mean Miranda?"


"She's doing well actually. Members of the Black Order have discovered she's an Accommodator of Innocence and she's on her way to becoming an exorcist."

"Exorcist?" Alice asked. "How far is that since my departure?"

"Two years."

"Then I do believe it's time for a visit," Alice declared, hastily putting back on her gloves and throwing on her cloak. She set her watch. "I'll take a year's off time."

"But Chief you just got back," Makito complained.

She waved him off, opening the door to the vessel. "I'm a terrible sister if I can't visit Miranda every now and then." With that she jumped out the vessel, free falling to the destination and time she had set her watch to.


So there's the first chapter of Manipulator of Time. I've been thinking about this for a while and so I hope I've made a story worthy of the Allen fans. As like my other stories, this one will be updated in chapters of four, so I hope you'll enjoy these next three as well.


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