Third Chapter

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Komui and Alice stepped off the lift, Komui leading the way, Alice following along with a little spring in her step.

"I believe this should be it," Komui said quietly, giving a few taps on a door about midway down the hall.

The door opened a minute later, a tired looking white-haired boy the one to answer, a strange scarring over his left eye. "Oh Komui, what is it? A mission?"

"Actually no. Could you help Miss Lotto here find her sister Miranda, Allen?" Komui requested.

Allen, finally noticing Alice's presence turned to her. "Oh. Hello, I'm Allen Walker."

"Alice Lotto." The most distinguishable features Allen instantly spotted was the same wavy hair Alice had as Miranda, at around the same length as Miranda's, but the lack of heavy makeup (or dark circles?) around the eyes that Miranda possessed, and a face that looked younger than Miranda's as well as less depressed.

Alice looked at Komui, a menacing aura surrounding her. "Komui," she said dangerously calm, "I thought you were taking me to see my sister."

"I have other things to do, that's why Allen here will take you," Komui replied uneasily, carefully stepping away from Alice.

She turned her glare away from Komui, allowing him to run off. "Tsh. Whatever, that obnoxious Chief is more annoying than Makito trying to teach me how to cook." Alice looked back at Allen. "Oh hey, I forgot about you. Mind showing me where Miranda Lotto is? She's my sister."

Allen sweatdropped at her sudden change in mood. "Sure thing, just give me a second to change." Allen shut the door to his room, coming out a few minutes later clothed in the classic Black Order exorcist uniform. "Alright, off we go," Allen smiled, gesturing for Alice to follow him.

Alice gladly followed him, ready to finally see her sister. "Let's go."

As they walked Allen couldn't help but ask questions. "So where were you before this and, if you don't mind me asking, why weren't you with Miranda when we first found her?"

Alice's eyebrows raised in surprise. "You're the one that found out that Miranda..oh wait I're that guy."

"That guy?" Allen questioned, looking at Alice.

"Prophecy boy. Destroyer of Time. That's you right?"

Allen rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I uh, guess so."

She nodded. "Well to answer your questions I'm a Time Guardian who's job is to keep time from collapsing in on itself from the selfish fugitives of time, running around dimensions, space, and time for their own reasons. We're a relatively small clan, but it's hard to kill us, and not many of our enemies know exactly how to kill us. Before you ask, no a Time Guardian is not a human, technically we're called time travelers, but that's quite broad, because there's many mixed races such as human time travelers and even akuma time travelers but I happen to be a traditional time traveler," she paused to take a breath. "Traditional time travelers mimic the genetic code of humans but the main differences between humans and time travelers is that we can activate our individual time travel devices whereas humans cannot. In fact only the designated time traveler can use their time travel device, and if that is destroyed you're really out of luck. Second difference is even if you found someway to activate the device humans can't handle the speed of time travel through time, space, and dimension, at least not without direct contact with a time traveler or a modified device designed to be human friendly." Alice stopped for Allen's reaction.

"So you're a time traveler?" he said after a minute, a dumb expression on his face.

Alice suppressed a laugh. "You humans are always so amusing, your tiny little brains can only take so much, huh?"

"So wait, what does this have to do with you not being around when we found Miranda?"

"Oh yeah that," she laughed nervously. "Guess I got a little sidetracked, but some of that was useful for what you wanted to know so you wouldn't be confused. As a Time Guardian my job is to take care of fugitives, time anomalies and other little things you couldn't possibly comprehend. About two years ago, when I was about fourteen human years old, that's about seven time traveler years old, I was sent on a mission to find a time traveling human who had cheated his death. When I got there however, he had an entire army of akuma guarding him. I could have just busted in there and not died, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Seriously, a shot in the head really gives you a headache. So I waited a few months, devising a plan that could end up in minimal pain. When I got back though, and this is because time is a funny little thing, it's hard to measure how long you've been gone when you've traveled over one hundred years forward or backward. I found that two years have passed since I've seen Miranda. My assistant Makito, who's only currently two time traveler years older than me, making him currently twenty human years old, and me currently sixteen human years old. That may seem like a lot to you, but he's the most qualified for his age, and I prefer to be around those closer to my age."

Allen was silent for a moment, desperately trying to process everything so he wouldn't look like an idiot in front of someone he didn't even know that well yet. "I...I think I understand..wouldn't that make you really young though?"

Alice actually laughed this time, a sweet and contagious laughter that almost had Allen laughing as well. She calmed down after a minute, a smile still present across her mellow face, something not too common for the head of the Time Guardians to be showing. "You're funny prophecy boy. I'm head of the clan, and I suppose one of the youngest around, most Time Guardians are about thirty or forty time traveler years old, that's about sixty or eighty human years old."

"Please, call me Allen," Allen suggested.

Alice considered this for a moment, putting her hand to her chin in thought as the two continued walking. "Nahhh," she grinned. "You're prophecy boy in my book."

Allen could only internally groan. That's something her and that particularly annoying person have in common. The inability to use my name. I think she'll be a lot nicer than..him however.

"We're almost to Miranda's room," Allen announced as the two turned down a corner, only a few doors away from Miranda's designated room.

Alice smiled, a bit of nervousness resting in the pits of her stomach. "It has been a while."

"Yeah, two years is a long time to be away from family," Allen agreed, nodding his head. He stopped in front of a door, seemingly at random, but then again all the doors were the same color. He knocked on the door lightly, tapping it with the back of his gloved left hand. "Miranda, it's me, Allen. I think there's someone here you might want to see."

The door opened a few minutes later, revealing the sight of Miranda Lotto, in a dress that aged her, hair down, and the same dark circles that were always there. "Who is it Al-" her words hitched in her throat once she caught sight of Alice.

Alice nervously waved. "Hey Miranda."

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