Fourth Chapter

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Alice nervously waved at her older sister. "Hey Miranda."

Miranda stood, frozen in shock for a few moments. "A-Alice," she finally answered, walking over to Alice, hugging her sister awkwardly, one because Miranda was taller, and two because Alice wasn't the hugging type, and wasn't entirely sure how to respond. "I missed you so much," Miranda bawled. "I thought maybe you had died on your mission this time, I was so mad at myself for letting you run off."

Alice chuckled, finally reaching the solution to bring her arms across Miranda's abdomen, patting her back. "Just a spaz as you used to be, you haven't changed a bit."

"G-gomennasai," she apologized suddenly, bowing.

Alice helped her up. "No no, it's alright. How've you been? Did it work out with that job I set you up?"

Miranda considered this. Of course I got fired on the first day, being the bad luck charm I am. If I tell Alice that, she might think I'm a terrible older sister and hate me forever, but if she finds out that I lie she might hate me even more. Oh what should I do???

"Oh it was totally great, I had that job for just about forever you know?" Miranda laughed nervously.

"You're lying aren't you?" Alice deadpanned.

"I'm so sorry I'm such a worthless cow, a horrid excuse for an older sister I don't deserve such an amazing little sister like you I should just die," Miranda sobbed, clinging to Alice like she might run any second.

"G-gah.'"Allen watched the entire scene unfold, thinking how peculiar the two sisters were, Alice was younger yet she took the role of the leading and supportive sister.

"I'm so sorry!" Miranda cried, releasing Alice who coughed, taking a huge breath from the lack of air. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Alice put a hand out, silencing Miranda, coughing a little before speaking. "Really it's okay. I'm just glad to see you again, it's been a while, I actually thought you might be mad at me for being absent so long."

Miranda stared at Alice in astonishment. "Me?! Mad at you?! No, I could never, after everything you've done for me over the years!" She hugged Alice. "I could never bring myself to be mad at my only family I have left."

Alice hesitantly hugged back, a little unsure if that was what you were supposed to do. "Regardless, I apologize." The two exited their hug with a smile.

Allen tapped Alice's arm. "Hey, you've got a message."

"Huh?" Alice turned around, seeing Allen with a black golem beside him. "Oh. Is it Komui?"

Allen nodded. "Yep."

"What is it then, you ridiculous laze?" Alice scoffed.

"Need I remind you I'm the head of the European Branch. I should be treated with respect," Komui retorted through the golem.

"Tsh. I didn't want to be here to begin with, we both know that," Alice snorted, turning her head to the side, annoyed.

"Well anyway I'd like you to know that your designated room is directly to the right of Miranda's," Komui said, changing the topic. "Also, your uniform should probably come in some time tomorrow, after the Science Division designs it for you. Then you'll probably be sent on your first mission."

"It better not be something about adjusting time, you know I can't do that!" Alice waved a finger threateningly at the golem.

"I already told you it wouldn't be damnit!" Komui blared. "Just get settled, Lotto." The golem sped off.

Alice really does set off Komui, doesn't she? Allen thought.

Alice made way for her room, opening the door. She waved to the two behind her, Allen and Miranda. "I would stay and chat, but I have a few things I need to do to get settled in, so maybe another time." She entered her room, shutting her door behind her.

"I'll see you around then," Allen nodded to Miranda, walking off to his room and Miranda did the same, closing the door behind her as well.

Inside her room, Alice checked her watch, sitting at the edge of the preset bed. She pressed a button on the side, a small holographic screen showing up with Makito's face.

"Yes Chief?" Makito replied instantly, knowing Alice didn't want to bother with introductions whenever she called.

"Have my items transferred here, I'll send exact coordinates over in a little bit," Alice requested.

Makito frowned. "You're really staying there a year Chief?"

Alice nodded. "Yeah, and while you're at, why don't you come here? I manage better with my OCD assistant around."

"Of course Chief. I'll include all your paperwork and desk when I make the transfer."

Alice groaned. "I hate paperwork. Very well." Makito smiled lightly before hanging up on Alice.

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