Getting to know them

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Picture of Clint barton

Clint's POV

Hi, the name's Clint. You have no idea how bad I'm suffer, hell no one does. I try to keep it all in so I won't hurt anyone.

I grew up with being reminded that it was my fault that my mother died, by my father. My older brother and I ran away and joined the circus. It was fun, the best part of my terrible life. They were a family to us, but nothing ever stays good for me.

I came back to our camp sight after sightseeing. I couldn't believe what I saw. Everyone was slaughtered, even my own brother. I ran to Barney, it was a stupid nickname for my brother that stuck with me when I was little.

I sat on the ground, crying into my brother's chest. I cried for hours, until an eerie chill made me jolt my head up. I made eye contact with this ugly, horrifying creature. His voice was painful, like nails on a chalk board. His presence made me shiver.

He made a promise, a promise I was doomed to keep. I was high on emotions so I was stupid enough to agree. All I had to do was inhabit seven souls into my own so they could still live on, and my brother would be brought back to life. I even found the name and face of their killer. I didn't think it would be so horrible. It wasn't as bad at first.

Days, weeks, even years went past. My brother was alive, but I dispise him. All he wants to do is kill me, he has it in his head that I was the reason why our family, the circus, died. He was becoming like my father so I had to leave him.

I didn't hear much from the seven souls. I heard occasional whispering, but couldn't make out what they were saying. I guess my life was too boring for them.

I joined another group, I wouldn't get close with them, though. I don't want to kill anymore innocent people. They're called the Avengers. I was extremely good with a bow and math so I could easily keep up. Not to mention, I was extremely flexible and able to crawl inside of very small places, due to my years in the circus. The only draw backs I had was that I lost eighty percent of hearing in one ear and fifty percent in my other ear when I was younger. I bought cheap hearing aids, but only have them in whenever it was needed. I hide my deafness from everyone, except for those seven souls.

Everything was alright again, until the whispering stopped. It would've been fine, but instead of whispering, they were almost screaming. The screaming stopped after a while, but they were still talking. They even talked over each other at times.

Greed, it talked about taking what's his. He wanted everything for himself, even if it meant killing someone for it.

Sloth, it talked about wanting to do nothing but rest. It talked about suicide, or an eternal slumber, in their words. Like wanting, and trying, to kill itself for eternal rest.

Gluttony, all it wants is food. It would even kill just to satisfy his hunger. It developed a hunger for human meat, for innocent people.

Pride, all it talked about was their self. It took great pleasure, or satisfaction, from their own doings. Those doings consisted of killing those who done wrong, even if it was a kid who only stole a candy bar. They're a hero or savoir in their own eyes.

Lust only wants to fuck. It wants to feel others on them. Sometime, it gets too rough or she gets too into it. When it does, the other ends up dying, getting killed during sex. All it wants is to feel someone's touch, they think about it so much that they go crazy from it, having the need taking over their mind and actions. Wanting to feel the blood escaping the other, with painful moans.

Envy wanted to become like everyone. It would rip body parts off of someone and replace theirs for it. It would even carve out the person's face or eyes, just so Envy could become like them.

Wrath was always angry. He would get pissed, even at the little things. He would get so angry that all he wanted to do was inflict pain on others. He would get mad and demolish a huge group closest to him, creating a blood bath. All he wants to do is get revenge on anybody that does even little to them. No matter if it's fair or not.

Listening to them didn't gross me out or make me go crazy. I didn't care about what they were talking about, even if it is mainly killing. The only problem I have is when they talk to me. They get so into their conversations with eachother that they forget about me. Whenever they're not busy talking, they want to talk to me.

Greed talks me into taking what he wants, or what I want. Sloth talks me into naps, which I have zero trouble with, I just ignore the comments about committing suicide. Gluttony talks me into eating. Again, I have zero trouble with it. I naturally eat a hell of a lot. Pride tricks me into praising myself. After defeating Hydra, Pride tricks me into taking pleasure by other people's gratifications towards me. Lust gets me laid. It's not so bad, until Lust starts talking about wanting to feel their blood run over my body, making the other moan out of pain. That normally ruin the mood for me when I start thinking about inflicting that kind of pain during sex. Envy makes me depressed. It makes me wish I had a body like Captain America, the smarts like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, and the family like what the Black Panther has. It made me start cutting my waist and chest, making it seem like it was just another battle wound. Wrath just adds to my anger. I'm already angry enough, but now little things throws me off. I use to not care about being called birdy, but now I get an attitude everytime. I wouldn't be getting mad so much if Wrath didn't remind me that everyone hates me, that everyone has it out for me.

No one in the Avengers know about this, not one clue. Not even Wanda has any clue. The seven sins blocked off the pathways she uses to look through my mind. They used the force of their presence to create a barrier.

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