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The bubbly, clueless and innocent girl in maths?
This doesn't make sense.
How does she know?
Someone must've told her thus making her tell Y/n.
Or she must've never told Y/n at all.
Fuck I hate how Jungkook is now involved in all my doings because of one issue.

I dial Jungkook's number and listened to the phone ring until I receive an answer.

"Hobi hyung already told me before you say anything"

I was taken off guard by the first words coming from Jungkook. He knew before I could even say anything.

"I have Jimin hyung monitoring Yeri for the time being. Let's discuss our next move. Come to my place in 20 minutes."

As I was about to hang up, Jungkook's annoying voice starts to speak again

"No. You come to my headquarters this time. It's always yours; and trust, Y/n wouldn't try to escape if she's with Rosé. Dinner will be provided see you in 20"

The phone call ends and I prepare myself to being in the same room as Jungkook's irritating presence at his fucking house.
And dinner even ugh
For fuck sake...

I make my way to the living room where Rosé, Jennie and beloved Y/n were watching chic flicks.

"Taehyung.... is everything alright?"

Y/n's voice surprises me as I thought she was still angry towards me

"Yes Y/n everything is alright since you're alright. I'm heading out for a meeting with Namjoon and Jimin. We will be back late."

Y/n nods her head and continues watching the movie.
I signal Jennie and Rosé to watch over her so that she won't escape and both too nods while rolling their eyes.

As I reach the door, I see Namjoon starting the car and Jimin leaning on the side door waiting for me.

"Took you long enough."

Jimin sarcastically states with a smile drawn on his face.

"I had spoken to Y/n on the way out. Now let's go sort this shit out."

I make my way in the passenger seat at the front of the car where Jimin sits at the back with his laptop opened tracking Yeri and watching her every move.

The drive was silent as Jimin was concentrating on his laptop screen and Namjoon as busy driving.
Suddenly Joon broke the silence

"So Yeri huh? Did not expect that."

Wait how does he know Yeri

"How do you know Yeri hyung?"

"Oh y/n talks about her heaps, apparently she's always optimistic and one of her only friends in Korea."

Oh so Y/n and Namjoon hyung have been talking....

"So how often do you two talk?"

I question in an arrogant tone

"Tae...she lives with us it's rude to not talk to her and she's really nice. OOHHHH JIMIN! TAEHYUNG IS JEALOUS THAT I TALK TO Y/NNNNNN."



And both took my by surprised as they say


Making me roll my eyes and look through the side window.
Shit we've arrived at Jungkook's place. Fuck my life.

As we get out of the car, I see Jungkook waiting by the door with a high smirk.
This fuckwit really gonna just smirk?

"Ah Welcome guys...and Taehyung"

I fucking hate this shithead

"Let's discuss this and get it over and done with.
We don't have time."

I say in an agitated tone of voice

"Yes yes to my study let's go."

Jungkook lead Namjoon, Jimin and myself to his study. My house is so much better.
As we head inside his study, Hoseok appears inside as he has been waiting for us I assume as well as Jin and a guy with pale as skin, ah Yoongi.
As we all sit down around a large circular table, Jin commences the meeting.
"So, it's obvious that we need to talk to Yeri. We can't kill her since she's Y/n's friend."

Before anyone could speak another voice was heard belonging to Yoongi.

"Plus she's a strong source of answers. Would be a waste to kill her."

Still a cold dickhead I see.
I guess I should say something.
I clear my throat to get the guys attention.

"So I know we're suppose to oppose each other but it's true we cannot kill Yeri. We need answers like Jin said. Since Jimin is currently tracking her, he and Hoseok should go and get her and also since they too were the ones that witnessed her statement."

Majority of them nod in agreement except for Jungkook

"But that's stupid. If Hobi and Jimin go and were the ones that heard her and since Hobi hyung already tried chasing her, what's going to make her not run away?"

Everyone's attention is now on Jungkook
But I'll be taking that attention back

"She doesn't know that Jimin knows. So if Jimin was to talk to her, maybe utilise his flirtatious ways, he could lure her in while Hoseok can drive."

Ha gotcha Jungkook you dumb ass.

And so Hoseok and Jimin take their leave to get Yeri.

And now there were five of seven people in this room.

"Taehyung and Jungkook will do the interrogation. Where Namjoon and Suga will watch over the place just in case there are spies from other mafias."

Jin states as he organises the plan fluently.
Everything seems settled all we have to do is get this plan done.

Why do I have to get the shitty mission with a shitty person aish this is sooo annoying.
I stare at my laptop trying to find where Yeri's destination is.
School? What the fuck?
Why is she at school at 9pm?

"Go to school she's there."

I command Hoseok as he drives to school in full speed.

Crap! I forgot my textbook in the classroom because I had to run away from Hoseok.
I hurriedly make my way to school
And sneaked inside the school's office window.
I can't believe I'm doing this I'm suppose to be the good girl!
I rapidly yet quietly make my way to the maths classroom
Yes! I see my text book untouched on my desk thank goodness.
The door wasn't locked
Wow this school needs better security.
I head towards my table to retrieve my textbook that I had left.
Okay I got it. Time to go home
As I turn around I bump into a slender and tall figure.
Oh my God.

"Hello Yeri....
....it's Jimin"

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