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You know that time when you really start missing school or just having a routine?

Summer is fun and everything but doing nothing all day for 2 months now is slowly rubbing the excitement off of me and it replaces it with boredom i guess.

If that's the right word to describe the way my bones and body in general start to feel somehow rotten.

It's not only the summer brake though that made my body feel so tired.

My father's latest doctor appointment didn't went that well and yeah, that was pretty much enough to fuck up my mood.

Doctor said that something had affected his hearing and he's lowkey soon to be deaf.

How perfect, huh?

Luke's on vocation with his family and i haven't speak to any of the other boys in a while so i don't really know whats up with them either.

Now, my brother is in England having no idea about my father's situation and I'm in my room all day slowly dying from my lack of emotions.

Would never expect my own mind to ever ask that question but when is summer gonna come to an end god damn it?

I checked my phone in case anyone had DMed or texted me only to see complete nothing.


I breathed out and thought about the last time i took a shower, 2 days ago? Yeah, ya gurl needs to shower.

I stood up from bed and for a quick moment everything got blurry.

That's what happens when you stay at bed all day Anna, don't act surprised.

After removing my clothes off my body i got in the bath tub letting all the bad vibes be washed off by the water just like the way my shampoo did.

Imagine being completely fine but all of a sudden not able to hear a thing?

I love my father with all my heart, i hate to think of him like that, it makes my soul suffer.

100.000 thoughts later i was back in my room blow drying my hair.

Does Luke think of me while he's away? We haven't seen each other for about a month now.

Hope he's having fun cause i definitely didn't have a good time since he left.

Also the fact that he found out about what happened at his party with Josh a day before his vocation and our fight about it don't make my heart feel any better.

I really miss him.

Our friendship is still perfectly fine but i just wish that we'd spend the day before he'd leave differently.

Flash Back

"What?" His shocked expression had guiltiness chocking me.

"And why am i being informed about it now?" Luke rubbed his temples and i just looked away.

Ashton was right, i should have told him about it the day after it happened.

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