Thor Oggy

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This is a one short fanfiction where Oggy becomes Thor .
Joey as Fandral the dashing .
Mark as Hogun the grim .
Dee Dee as Volstagg the valiant .
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Oggy was flying with the help of Mjlonir in Asgard . He suddenly saw some Frost Giants freezing everybody . He tells the Frost Giants King " You should stop freezing the people of Asgard otherwise I will fight with you and kill you ." the Frost Giants King answered " I am not afraid of you . Come at me with your full power but you will have to fight my army first ." Oggy told him " I will fight with your army and you but I shall also bring my own fighters also . Come on Warriors Three . " at his call the Warriors Three , Joey , Marky and Dee Dee , appeared . Oggy shouted " Attack !" and they started to attack the Frost giants . Oggy banged Mjlonir on the ground and the ground shaked . All Frost Giants fell . Joey was attacking the Frost Giants with his sword . Marky attacked them with his mace and Dee Dee attacked them with his axe . Oggy held his Mjlonir up and threw thunder on the Frost Giants . The Frost Giants King was terrified and exclaimed " How could this happen ! " most of his army died . Oggy threw his Mjlonir at the Frost Giants and Joey , Marky and Dee Dee defeated them with their weapons - sword , mace and axe . Oggy came to the Frost Giants King and told " I and my fighters have defeated your army . You have now two choices , surrender yourself or be killed like your army ." the Frost Giants King answered " I will surrender to you but don't kill me . I beg for forgiveness ." Oggy said " I forgive you as forgiving is greater than revenge . Turn my people normal and go from Asgard forever ." The Frost Giants King turned everyone normal and went back to his kingdom . This is how Oggy saved Asgard from the Frost Giants .

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