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jimin collapses in the dance studio after hours of practicing, leaving jin to take care of his little

Jin sighs when his boyfriend still isn't home at 2am, he grabs his car keys and gets into his car, not giving a second thought to where he was going.

When he walks into the dance studio and enters the main practice room his thoughts are confirmed.

"Jimin, you need to stop, you're going to hurt your body if you keep going." he knew how it felt to practice as long as Jimin did, he used to until he reminded himself he needed to set a good example for his dongsaengs.

Jimin, however did not practice as much before, it was only when he started getting backlash on his dance moves and singing that it started. He just wanted to be at his best for the armys, and if that meant tiring himself out both mentally and physically, then that's it. He knew his goal, pleasing his fans who he held so close to his heart, and that was enough reason to do what he did, it was worth the pain.

His body was moving perfectly to the beat as any other would say, even Jin couldn't find a single mistake in his moves. But Jimin suddenly stopped dancing, angrily rubbing the sweat off of his face. "I did it wrong again!" he groaned and closed his eyes for a bit, leaning forward and putting his hands on his knees as his body was on the verge of giving up.

"You need to stop, I'm serious. You haven't slipped for weeks and you need it, you know you need it." he starts walking towards the panting boy when said person shakes his head, his mouth dry as he starts talking,

"Can't slip, need to practice- just, just one more time, please hyung, I just, I need to get it right." he locks eyes with the taller male, the desperate look in his eyes making Jin give in.

"Okay, one time, one time only." he sits back down on the bench in the back as he tries to make eye contact with Jimin through the mirror, praying to God his small boyfriend would finally accept himself this time.

The music starts and his body starts moving once again, Jin's eyes are fixated on him the whole time and he's about to take a relieved breath when the younger still hasn't stopped mid song but instead stands up as the boy falls down onto the floor with a thump.

"Hyung," the younger gasps out.

His face scrunches up in pain as Jin rushes over to him, the pain and fear causing the boy to slip into little space immediately. "D-Daddy." Jin gathers the boy up in his arms as sobs start wrecking through his tiny body.

"Daddy's here, tell me what's happening." he demands, mad at him for pushing his limits like this, mad at him for being so goddamn selfless.

"I jus, not firs' time, body jus' sleepy." the boy seems almost paralyzed as he picks him up. Not the first time? They're definitely gonna have a talk about this when he's big.

"Can you move your arm for daddy?" he slowly does as his caregiver says, not being able to hold it up for long, the limb falling back down seconds after.

"It's okay, you're okay now my sweet boy," he praises, holding his tears back because right now he needed to be strong for his babyboy. "danced so prettily, didn't you?" he lays him down on the cold floor and pulls his shirt off, stuffing it into his bag and slinging it over his broad shoulder.

"Jiminie can't dance." he mumbles into his hyung's chest, choking on his sobs.

The man grabs a water bottle out of Jimin's bag. He helps the little sit up a bit, making him drink some water. "We're gonna go home and then after a nice bath we're gonna go and sleep, yeah?"

"Daddy, owie." he rubs his own muscles.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll give you a massage later, think you can walk for me?" the boy stands up with the help of his caregiver, slinging an arm over his hyung's shoulders and slowly moving his feet.

They walk out of the building together, getting into the car minutes later. Jin sits down in the drivers seat after getting Jimin into the car. He smiles when he sees the boy fast asleep in his chair.

He takes off and starts driving towards their home.


The driver gets out of the car and rings the doorbell, when the door opens he breathes out. Namjoon appears in the doorway, joggers hanging low on his hips as he pushes his hair back. He's obviously just woken up.

"Namjoon, please help me. Jiminie collapsed in the dance studio just now, can you help me get him inside?" Namjoon curses under his breath.

"What?" he walks towards the car and opens the car door, immediately shoving his hands under Jimin's body and lifting him up and off his seat.

When the cold air hits the youngers body he shivers and opens his eyes. "Daddy?" his small chubby hands reaching out to Namjoon.

"He's here," Namjoon hands him over to Jin and watches as Jin peppers his face with kisses. He smiles and locks the car doors before following behind the pair and going inside.

Jungkook and Taehyung immediately come rushing down the stairs as soon as they've caught a glimpse of Jimin from up the stairs. "What happened to him?" the maknae asks his hyung.

"He's going to be be okay." Jin reassures them, moving past them and walking up the stairs to get his hurt little into a warm bath.

"Jiminie sowwy," he bows his head down as soon as he's being seated on a closed toilet lid, embarrassed of himself, he doesn't know what happened but he senses his daddy is feeling down, and he also knows he's the cause.

"Hey, baby, why are you sorry?" he asks, a number of emotions showing through his voice while his hands start working to fill the bathtub with warm water.

He doesn't look up, just keeps fiddling with his little fingers while pouting.

Jin turns his back to the bathtub, "look at me." when he still doesn't the caregiver walks closer to him and starts talking once again, this time deciding to use his dom card, "I'm not going to ask you again."

And then he finally looks up, his eyes big and sad when he looks into the elder's.

"Jinnie sad, minnie's fauwt." he softly tells him.

"Listen here, I'm not sad. I'm disappointed, not in you, but in some aspects of you, I know being selfless is a good thing in general but you're not going to be selfless to the point where you hurt yourself any longer, understood?" he spills out, forgetting his baby was in little space for a second.

And as expected, the little doesn't say anything, just stares into Jin's eyes with his own questioning ones. Wrinkles showing in the honey kissed skin of his forehead when he frowns deeply.

He bites his plump lip, deciding to answer him anyway, "minnie no understand." the older male sighs and stops the water from running.

"It doesn't matter, just don't blame yourself, the bath's ready." he tells him before undressing him and lowering the boy into the warm water.

And when his babyboy asked him if he could join him with his red chubby cheeks and big pleading eyes of course his hyung couldn't deny.

He sat down behind him and washed the boy carefully, massaging his body every now and then and whispering sweet nothings in his ear, the boy giggling at every praise, and the man's heart fluttering at every giggle.

Jin makes a promise to himself right there and then, he is going to make sure Jimin gives just as much love to himself as he is giving to anybody else.

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