A Dance?

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[This small tiny plot is obviously my idea, and will take place before the license exam. Enjoy fam.]


 After thinking about the license exam for about an hour, I decided to walk back to the dorms. I can’t believe I’m already thinking way too much about this. It’s a big deal, but I’m thinking way too much about this. It’s only been the first day of practicing our super moves.

 I started walking back to the dorms until I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around to see a familiar circle face. “Ochako?” I ask confused. She nods, and leads me to her dorm building. “Where are we going?” I ask. “You’ll see” was all she said.

 We made it to their common room. I rub my head in confusion. All the girls are sitting on the couch. “So F/N, Momo has told us about you being the daughter of Nezu and all..” Ochako started to speak.

 “I was just wondering, as vice student council of Class 1A, if we could have a school dance.” Momo finished. I rub my chin, and hum.

 All the girls are just waiting for me to say something. It wasn’t my choice, it was Nezu’s. “Well.. why before the license exam?” I ask. “Well, everyone’s main focus is the license exam, and maybe to ease down the deep thoughts of everyone’s, is to throw a school dance.” She answered.

 School dance.. It does sound pretty fun now that I think about it. There would also be some yummy food there. I’m all about food. What kind of food? “So?” Momo asked breaking my deep thought about food.

 “Well.. I agree with that, but I don’t really make the decisions around here, so you have to ask Nezu.” I say. They all nod. “May you come with us to ask?” Ochako asked. “Only to show that it isn’t just Class 1A who wants to have a dance here.” Momo said. I nod in agreement.

 We walk to Nezu’s office, hoping he’ll say yes, only for the food of course, I could care less about the dance itself. And for the ships, don’t judge me. I mentally slapped myself.

 Momo knocked on the Nezu’s office door. “Come in” Nezu said, and we all walked inside. “Yes ladies?” he said taking his eyes off of his paperwork.

 Momo started talking. “So we would like to have a school dance!” she exclaimed. That was the only part I really heard. I wasn’t paying attention that much about it. I only nodded to her words.

 He took a sip of his tea. “That does sound like a good idea.. but tight schedule..” he says. “If you guys can form it all in one day, then it’s a yes for me.” He said. We all nodded.

 We walked out of the office, and huddled up. “Okay, so we have about eight whole hours of making the set up for the dance, so let’s give it our all.” Momo says with her fist in the air.

 “We’ll need help though..” I say. “We’ll get the help from the girls in our class!” Ochako says, and I nod with a determined face. I never went to a party before.

 -Time Skip-

 I swear it’s been six hours of us working on everything, the theme kept changing since Momo couldn’t make up her mind. We all decided for just a normal dance theme. Me and Ashido worked on the streamers, and food.

 Although we ate half of almost every treat on the table, so we were kicked off from that. We finally finished, and all did an exhausted danced. We all waved each other goodbye, while Momo went to report to Nezu.

 I went on the elevator to my dorm building, and went to the common room. Everyone was in a panic. “L/N! THANK GOD YOU’RE ALIVE!” Kendo screams, and went for a hug. “What do you mean?” I ask.

 “You’ve been gone forever!” Tetsutetsu says. “Eight hours isn’t that long.” I said, and everyone sighed. “I had important business to do with Class 1A.” I say sounding as if I was a business dealer.

 “Class 1A?” A voice from behind asks. “Yep.” I say with my eyes closed and arms crossed. “Those scums have no business with you.” Monoma said.

 I face palmed. “Well, they are my friends too so..” I say, and the whole class nods, but Monoma, who still looks annoyed. “We all should be getting rest, big day tomorrow.” Kendo says, and everyone agrees.

 I walk to my room, and jumped on my bed. A dance does sound fun.. I’ve never been to one though, maybe it’s like the cliché one’s on tv. I heard a knock on my door.

 I walked over there to open it. I turned the knob to see Monoma standing in front of my door. “Yes?” I ask. “Are you alright for tonight?” he asks. I smile, and hug him. “Yeah, but thanks for asking.” I say with my face in his chest.

 “Good, because I didn’t want to smell their scummy scent on you.” He said with his arms crossed. I punched his arm lightly, and he grinned. “Goodnight, idiot.” He says. “Goodnight, maniac.” I laugh. He turned around, and walked down the hall to the elevator.

 I sighed, and went to lay back down on my bed. I think I do like Monoma more than a friendly way.. but it would probably ruin everything. I can’t think about this, but I can’t stop thinking about this.

 He’s just a good friend. He’s just a good friend. He’s just a good friend. That’s right. Just keep telling myself that, and forget about these weird thoughts about him.

 Love? Who needs love when you want to save the day, and catch criminals? Not me. I close my eyes, and frown. I then started imagining him shirtless-

 NO. NO. NO. STOP WITH THE DIRTY MIND F/N. EW. EW. EW. I shake my head out of it, and sit up. I take a deep breath in, and lay back down.

 I can’t have this. 

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