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Warning: Tears ??? Angst?? 

-Comments & feedback are super appreciated !!- 

Loving Peter Parker was a boulder that you couldn't stop rolling. Like running down a hill to see how fast you could go, and then falling and beginning to fall. Tumbling rolling until the momentum was so forceful the only way to stop was to hit the bottom. It was something you couldn't stop, once it started, not that you wanted to anyway because whether it was the rush of adrenaline or the calm moment where you could see everything so clearly before it all went spinning again, you loved every second of it.

The first time, locking eyes in the school hallway for just a second but that was all you needed. The last time, one cold weighted look you would never forget. Everything that came in between, smiling, laughing, crying, cuddling, kissing. You loved him, so much that sometimes it hurt, and someone it made your heart suddenly skip a beat out of nowhere. So naturally, you thought you would have a lifetime to soak it all in, a lifetime to roll down the hill and see how fast you could go. Only, in reality, it wasn't long before the roll came to a stop and you hit the bottom, hard.

That day, he called like usual. It was an agreement, one come to after long arguments shouted across hallways and empty apartments, a truce of sorts one that would make both sides happy, or at least make both sides stop shouting at each other. There was a time limit, and if he was not going to make back before the time limit then he had to call, no matter what. So you knew not to wait, not to worry, as much anyway.

So he called. "I have a thing, (Y/N) and it's taking a little longer than I thought it would. So I'll be back late, really late so you should go to bed because I know you have that final tomorrow and you need to sleep. I'll be back, to kiss you and wish you good luck before you go. But seriously, going to bed, I'll be back. Love you." He left a voicemail. You had fallen asleep on the couch, phone still in hand. Books were strewn out on the couch and coffee table. Later, you would not be able to fall asleep before the sun went down, scared to death that you would miss something. Miss something again.

You woke up hours later and listened to the voicemail. Taking a deep breath in, you realized that with the combination of finals stress, peter stress and the nap you had just taken you were not under any circumstances going to get back to sleep. You looked around for the TV remote in vain. One thing that the two of you had in common, in the inability to keep the remote in one place that you could remember. It was always underneath someone's butt, or in between the cushions, or under the couch. Sometimes in the sink, or the bathroom or someone's underwear drawer. Another thing the two of you had in common absent-mindedness. That was another thing that you would suffer for later.

The thing was when you turned on the TV you didn't immediately notice what was on it. You looked around the room, towards the kitchen, trying to decide if you were hungry enough to get up and get something to eat. You looked towards the books around the living room, trying to decide if your brain had enough room to cram any more information into it. Then to your bedroom, because maybe if you got into the warm blankets with your favorite sweatshirt you would able to fall asleep.

It was until finally, you decided that you didn't have the energy or the willpower to do any of those things and sunk back into him ouch that your ears finally caught the actual words the anchor was saying, and even then you only caught certain ones. Attack...Mass Casualty...Times Square... Spider-Man...Iron Man...Major Injuries.

Your body sprung up from the couch instinctively. Crap, Peter, crap. Suddenly you found yourself rushing for your room, grabbing said favorite sweatshirt, checking to make sure you had shoes on and running. The next thing you knew you were outside and running, no one was on the street which was good considering in your haze you probably would've trampled them. You were just running with fury. Peter. Peter. Peter. Your body was numb, but you could still feel the wind on your face and the beating of your heart. Peter. Peter. Peter. Oh god. Oh god. Please no. Please, god no. Peter.

And then suddenly, you would yourself pushing through the crowd of people to get to the front of the barricade. A streak crashes through the air, red and blue until it hits the ground, hard. Everyone can feel the impact and everyone sees it, the crater spiderman leaves in the ground and he lies there, motionless. The crowd hushes, but your adrenaline takes over and you're running again through the barrier past the policemen screaming at you. Your heart is beating out of your chest again eat beat seeming to say his name. Peter. Peter. Peter. Peter. Peter.

You finally each him and you bend down. His mask is off now, and his face is bruised, all over. He's bleeding from multiple cuts and that's just his face, what must be going on internally, your brain trails off and you try to stop it. He's going to be okay. He is going to be okay.

"What are you doing here?" A voice rasps. It's Peter, he looks confused, and guilty almost.

"You said you'd be back." You replied, tears beginning to form in your eyes.

"I was coming okay? I said I'd be late. I was coming." Was coming.

"Peter.." You ran your hands through his hair, tears beginning to flow down your cheeks. He's going to be okay.

Peter coughed up some blood, some of it landing on your sweatshirt. Or maybe not. "I love you, okay?"

"Okay." You started crying again, and buried your head into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you weakly.

You used to think that maybe the two of you were just meant ot be toegtehr. Through all the fighting, all the screaming and shouting and anxiety that it was all just a plan of some sort. In the vast universe full of aliens, and supervillains, the two of you were supposed to be together.

At that moment, crying over Peter's dying body, you told the universe to screw itself. It gave you Peter and then stole him away from you all in such a short time. The universe had screwed you over, royally.

"Don't go, please don't go." You were whispering, "Please don't take him" It was as if unconsciously your brain had realized there was a crowd of people staring at you.

"(Y/N)." He coughed, Meeting your eyes and taking your hand in his. "You are the most important thing to me, okay? I love you so much and I wish you had more time-We deserved more time-" And suddenly, he took a big breath out and didn't take another one. Soon after his heart stopped, and for some reason, you started pressing down on his chest, harder and harder, hoping that it would start again underneath your fingers. You just kept pushing and pushing until finally, you laid back, crying uncontrollably, his blood all over your hands.

Screw the universe.

We deserved more time.

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