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I was dreaming about escaping. I don't know how and where, but the dreams looks like an escape room. (But it weren't just a room it's practically a land with building so, it's a huge place.) It had clues to what and where we supposed to bring something (a letter and shapes in correct order) at another room. I had many competitors, but I blocked them all at the final stage and door. Not until my families came (like, I didn't expect). I let them in and everyone starts helping me out rather. So, they told me to just roam around, which I did with my eldest cousin. She looks like nice, very unusual in awake life. We went around, she even asked for her sister to look around for clues. She's with our youngest cousin. (Well, I think not anymore. Since, my youngest uncle had a daughter so.) So they looked around as well as us. What so weird about this dream, is my friend. I don't know who is he but his face claim was Seojoon. (But I ain't assuming any Seojoon looking man will be my friend. Neither I had think about it. Lolol. I'll just call him, October. Haha.)


So, October was standing beside a fountain and saw me walking near to that, so he called out for me and I came to him running. Fortunately, his giving out free candy. There is two person sitting infront of him already before I do, but he gave me those candies first before them. But I didn't mind it in my dream about how cute it looked for my wake life. My cousin looked at us, with I don't know what she's thinking. But she's basically judging me. Because she asked me something later.

I don't know what brings him to the place but he looks like he came for a job. Once talking to him, I left the balloon on somewhere and walked away to come back to the mission with my cousin. However, October called out for me again. And now, came to me running; asking if he could have the balloon with him. But when I said, "Yeah." He was like, "What, yeah? Ano nga?"

"IT'S YOURS. TAKE IT. WHAT ELSE." I responded.

And he smiled and runs back to that place where I left. You know that smile that means something else. That's it. Hahaha.

So when my cousin and I was walking back, she asked that there's no doubt that I wouldn't like a sweet guy like him.

What I told her is, "Yeah. Who wouldn't. So, he became my crush but that's in the past. We're friends now. I had many crushes that turn into friends." I laughed.

She told me something like it was a "fetish" kind of thing. I was like "no way."

But the dream gave me a hint who this guy is. It's funny but yeah, I think it's him. He's the only one who made me feel safe and you know that I made a mistake but he's lowkey feeling sorry about it. He cares about me. But I don't feel anything anymore. Haha. I am just happy to have someone like him for once.

So what a huge turn of dream.


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