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Reimi's P.O.V

I slowly woke up, from a good night sleep I had. I yawned as I stretched my arms out. I glared at the clock. My eyes widen.

It was 9:30 am. I was late on the first day of the job. I was suppose to wake up at 8:30 am. I quickly got up out of the bed and ran to put my uniform on. I rushed out of my apartment, with a piece of toast in my mouth.

I rushed down to the parking lot and got in my car. Akane is so going to be disappointed in me for being late on the first day.

I quickly drove to my destination and parked my car. I got out and ran to the entrance of the post office. I ran inside and fell to the floor, panting. I noticed everyone in the room was staring at me. I quickly got up and bowed.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to be late on the first day of work!" I quickly said bowing. A lady, which assumed to be my boss, walked up to me and smiled.

"Don't worry. You are not in trouble. But try to be on time for now on, okay?" She gave me a sweet smile. She had long brown hair and her hair was braided.

"Y-Yes!" I stuttered.

"By the way, I am your boss, Mayoko Seyama. It's a pleasure for you to be working with us." She says.

"T-Thank you!" I said. Miss Seyama walked out of the room to her office. I then noticed my best friend Akane, who was waving at me. I walked up to her.

"Hey, so I heard you were late."

"Y-Yeah. I sort of lost track on time." I nervously laughed. I felt her pat my shoulder.

"Hey, I know you are under stress because you had to move. I mean this town is huge. It's easy to get lost around here. But I'll make sure you can find your way around." She says. 

"Thanks, Senpai." I told her. She gave me a warm smile and went back to work. I walked over to my station when I noticed another employee handing me a package.

"You are the mail women?" She asked with barely any emotion in her voice.

"Yeah." I replied. She gave me the package.

"That's for you." I was about to thank her when she quickly walked off. Well, that was rude. I took the package and I headed to the postal truck and started to drive to the destination. 

I looked at the map, and then at the address. I looked around the area and realized I was nowhere where I was suppose to be. This town was so big, how was I going to find my way around here?

I looked down at the address once again.

67, Rose Avenue. I had no idea where that street was at. I went down a random street, expecting to find the right address. My GPS on my phone started to not work since it wasn't getting enough signal.

I stopped the truck and got out. I took out my phone and put it in the air, hoping to get service. While I was doing this, I felt something hit me. I gasped as I fell to the ground. I looked up and saw a hooded man with a gun and a bag.

"Give me your belongings or else I'll shoot." He threatened. He was pointing the gun at my face. I felt tears in my eyes. I knew it was a bad idea to go delivering my first package alone. I never thought it would turn out like this.

My life was on the line as I felt the edge of the gun against my head. I felt like I was going to die at any moment. I was about to hand over my bag when I heard a police siren.

"Shit!" The man cursed as he pulled the gun away from me. I sighed in relief. It was a miracle that the police was here.

The police car opens as a tall man with white hair, his bangs covering his right eye.

"Put your hands up in the air!" He shouted. The hooded man dropped the gun and obeyed. I just stood there, stunned after what happened.

Other police cars eventually showed up, and the officers handcuffed the guy and threw him in the back of the car. He gave me a dark stare before the door slammed.

I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what if I should leave or not. The same officer that shouted at the man walked up to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-Yes!" I quickly said. I stared off into the distance, as I awkwardly stood there in front of him.

"Um, thanks for saving me. I really thought it was the end of me back there." I said.

"No need to thank me. I was just doing my job." He replied. I noticed he paused for a moment.

"I-I mean, your welcome!" He quickly added. I chuckled at that.

"Your out to deliver a package, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. But I sort of got lost." I shyly replied.

"Well, perhaps I could show you the way. I am really familiar with the city." He offers. My eyes glow with happiness.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I told him the address and he told me to follow him in his car. I did what he said and I manage to get to the destination where I was headed.

I got out of my car and headed towards him.

"Thank you so much for helping me, um-"

"Iishiro. Iishiro Shirogane." He tells me.

"Thank you, Shirogane-san." I said while bowing.

"It's no problem. Please stay safe, um-"

"Reimi." I quickly told him.

"Reimi Akagawa."

"Reimi. Stay safe out there, alright?"

"Okay!" I replied. He began to walk to his car. I didn't want him to leave for some reason, so my gut inside me told me to call out to him.

"W-Wait!" I shouted. He turned back around to face me. I blushed as I fidget with my hands.

"U-Um, w-will I, see you again?" I asked him. He hid his face with his hat.

"Well, since we live in the same city, there might be a chance that we could run into each other again." He replied. I nodded. That was true. Saibou was big city, with thousands of people. What are the odds of meeting again?

"See ya." He says, giving me a warm smile.

"Bye!" I happily waved to him as he went into his car and drove away. I smiled to myself as I walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened to reveal an average man with black hair with a white t-shirt.

"Oh, my package! Thank you ma'am." He says while I hand him his package.

"No problem!" I said. I smiled to myself. I managed to deliver a package! With a little help from that cop though. 

I got in my car and began to drive back to the post office. I blush as I start thinking of the cop who saved me. I would admit, he was incredibly handsome and well built. Wait, why am I thinking of these things? I only just met him!

I mentally groaned to myself as I drove away from the street.


My shift was finally over and I went back to my apartment. I unlocked the door and went inside. It was quiet, like always. Every day when I come home from work, I would usually just lay on my bed, reading a novel.

I've always lived alone. Occasionally, Akane would come over and hang out with me. But other than that, nothing really happens around here.

I didn't have much friends, besides Akane. A lot of people always sees me as annoying because I was so clumsy and weird. I never had a boyfriend in my life. A lot of guys always sees me as dumb or annoying. 

I sighed as I slammed my head into my pillow. I'll forever be alone. Then my mind flashed back to the cop. He seemed so sweet and understanding.

I quickly shook my head.

This city is huge, there is no way we could run into each other again. That was a cliche in a mushy romance film. Like we will see each other again.

I sighed as I began to fall asleep.

I wonder if fate really is real.

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