Bloom had the Twins two years ago which Bloom met a boy named William. William is the prince of Solaria which means he is Stella's brother and the next in line to be the king. William is twenty-two while Bloom is twenty. Skye and Skyla are now in their terrible two's. Which everyone thinks kids in their terrible two's is cute but Bloom doesn't think so because they keep getting in a lot of stuff like flour pots and pans. The twins loves to make a lot of noise, Bloom keeps getting headaches but William has been helping out a lot because he loves Bloom a lot. William is planning to propose which Stella knows about this because she's Williams sister. Stella is happy that he is finally going to propose to Bloom in about a week when they go out for supper without the kids. Bloom's birth parents are going to watch Skye and Skyla because Bloom doesn't want anyone else to watch them right now since they are going through their terrible two's. Bloom is scared that something bad will happen with the kids because of them getting into a lot of stuff, Bloom has warned her birth parents about them being in their terrible two's. Bloom's birth parents had to deal with Daphne in her terrible two's. Bloom hates to worry like this but she's just being over protective of her kids. Everyday Bloom thinks about Sky because her kids looks so much like Sky. She hopes she has another kid but with the right guy which she is thinking she found the right guy which is William. Bloom hopes that William propose here soon because they had sex and Bloom found out that she is pregnant with her third kid which she is going to tell him next week at dinner. Bloom is hoping for a male this time so he can be brave just like his father. But again Bloom is scared to have another miscarriage like her first child. Bloom is still sad about the miscarriage of her first child but everyone keeps saying that she should move on from it even William keeps saying move on. Bloom hopes it's not twins because it was harder to take care of twins twice the trouble. William is even thinking he never wants twins because they are twice the trouble and will always be twice the trouble until they grow up and go to Alfea. The Winx knows that Bloom is pregnant with Williams kid which Stella is happy that she is going to be a aunt because technically if Bloom marries William Bloom will be Stella's sister-in-law. Stella is hoping Bloom says yes to William so Bloom can be part of the family. Which means when Bloom marries William she will be the queen of Solaria. Stella will still live in the castle because if something happens to the king and queen she will become the queen and take care of Bloom's kids because Stella is the god mother of Skyla while Flora is the godmother of Skye.

Winx Club Bloom's Kids
أدب الهواةBloom has twins and then after a couple of years after the twins were born there was another kid