The big Divorce

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       Bloom was at Domino when Sky came over to hand her the divorce papers. Bloom was at least 2 weeks pregnant but she wasn't showing yet. Bloom signed the papers not telling Sky that she was pregnant with his kids. Bloom was still mad at Sky for telling her he wanted a divorce. He was that mad that she had a miscarriage even though it wasn't her fault with that it's never anyone's fault. Bloom is hoping that the twins wont look like Sky because she would hate seeing Sky everyday.

Bloom's POV 

     I have been coming up with names for my kids which for girls I came up with Skye and Skyla and for a boy I came up with Skyler cute right wish Sky would know his kids but for what he did no I don't want him to know the Winx gets to know the kids because they are more important than Sky right now. The miscarriage was really hard for me and the Winx because they were hoping to see the kid when he or she was here but now they get to meet two. In about a month I get to see what the genders are for the twins hoping for girls but who knows if it's going to be girls I will figure that out soon enough. I can't wait to meet the twins I will probably cry when I get to see them. I can tell they are healthy but the doctor might want to keep a close eye since I was told I wouldn't be able to have any kids. They might put me on bed rest after my miscarriage which happened three weeks ago. I hope that the Winx can defeat the trix when they are attacking everyone because I can't help the Winx in my condition. I'm terrified that I'm gonna be on bed rest because I wont be able to get out of bed no matter what except to go to the bathroom.

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