i walked through forever 21 looking for an ideal party outfit with my mom and kayla. we were trying not to look for something too expensive. "look at that dress right there spirit!" i heard my mom say as she put her hand on her hip. it was a beautiful dress, it was lace and a tight red dress. i smiles and said " this is the one kayla." she looked at it and squealed as she put her hands together.
"get it spirit!" kayla said and i laughed and looked at the price tag. it was 34.00 dollars, not much at all. "it's only $34.00 dollars ma." i said to her as she nodded yes. "go ahead get it." she said with a smirk.
i came home with my new outfit for the party. i tried it on and it was really pretty and it brung out my curves and made my butt look big. kayla had her a turquoise latex dress with lace around the breast. she looked beautiful in her dress. she had skinny waist and a plumped butt. she kinda reminds me of a cute cotton candy type of theme.
"we are gonna look so fucking cute spirit!" kayla said happy as ever she was jumping around everywhere. the party was tomorrow at 8:30 at night.
"i know right. we might get to lose are virginity. i'm playing." i said while smiling. i was actually looking forward to get hooked up with someone i guess.
"shit, i know i am." i laughed at her silly self. she took out her ponytail causing her hair to puff up. it was cute. i like the pink on her.
"i swear but what we gonna do with our hair?"I asked hoping she'd have a idea because i didn't. she looked around and looked at me frozen. "i mean we can just get really cute lace fronts? or just have our hair straightened and curled?" i nodded. i liked to be extra and wear weaves but i didn't want to spend my money so i just wanted to wear our real hair.
"let's get our hair straightened and curled. ion want to spend my money." i said while hanging up my dress and laying down next to kayla.
"text keith ask him if he's going to the party." i suggested. she smiled and took her phone out her back pocket. "aw i miss him so much. i guess he's coming back tomorrow." she said as she was typing a message to him. they were happy together like really happy together. they talked everyday and every night. they were goals.
the night of the party - 8:56(Play "Moonlight by XXXTENTACION")
i sat in the car with the micah, trevor,and kayla. we were all looking very good and we were headed to the party. we pull up at a huge house on the hill. " jesus fucking christ." trevor said looking at the house. we all laughed and got out of the car.
kayla saw keith on the porch drinking, "hey guys i'ma be right back." she said with a wink as she walks over to keith and gives him a hug. "okay well let's go in shall we?" we walk as we all started to move our heads to the music.
we walk in the party instantly smelling marijuana. i gagged a little bit. " well they already walk in roofied and shit." i said as trevor laughed. i then look to my side seeing micah and a mexican girl named lilana flirting. i smirked and it was just me and trevor.
"you tryna go to the bar or the kitchen?" I chuckled and nodded my head. he held my hand walking to get a drink. his hands were mad soft. " give me hennessy por favor!" i yelled over the music
"okay!" trevor yelled back. i smoked and watched him pour my drink. he placed it on the table and i grabbed and so noah approach the table. i looked at him noticing he had marissa around his arm. "hey can i get a drink?" noah said with a beer in his hand already."hey man i'm not a bartender, my bad." trevor said as he grabbed his drink and attempted to walk away. noah grabbed his arm. "dude just make me a fucking drink." he said then marissa laughs. " get the fuck off me! i'm not a fucking bartender!" trevor said pushing noah and marissa.
noah looked around looking at me and smirking. it was weird. it wasn't comfortable at all. "this your little girlfriend?" noah said as marissa rolled her eyes at me. "nah that's not my girl." trevor said putting his drink down taking off his jacket.
at this point everyone surrounded the kitchen area, just instigating the commotion. i sighed and stood up from my stool and stood by trevor. all of sudden i see noah lugging at trevor with a punch. trevor dodges it and tackles him. i see micah and kayla trying to pull trevor off of noah as i see marissa recording and laughing at this horrible brawl over a drink.
"what's going on?!" briana the party host yells. trevor finally getting off of noah . noah looked all bloody and just shitty. we all exit the party except kayla she was leavings with keith, " bye kayla! call me!""what the fuck happened man." micah said while starting the engine. trevor laid back and didn't say a damn thing. he had a big cut on his forehead.
"do you want to come to my house trevor? so i can fix up that cut." i asked it looked almost infected. "yeah...please."