i woke up the next morning with excitement, laying next to trevor. he was snoring quietly. i slowly got up feeling my dress over my butt. . i quickly pulled it down. i look over to the night stand that had the clock on it. it was currently 6:23 am. i walked in the bathroom and turn the shower on and turning the knob to hot. i tied my hair up and undressed myself. i looked up in the mirror and seen trevor standing behind me. i was frightened a bit cause he was just standing there staring at me .
i turned and placed my hand on his arm with a slight smile. "good morning beautiful." he said making me smile more. i looked at him and kissed his lips and then walking in the shower. closing the shower door. he undressed himself and walked into the shower with me and got under the hot shower faucet. i washed myself and scrubbing myself then cleaning trevors back then he did mine then we rinsed off and had a quick make out session in the shower.
after ending the kissing session. i walked out the shower and so did trevor and we both dried off. i left and went to my bedroom roaming my drawers for underwear and bra. i came across some comfortable jockey underwear and bra that wasn't as good looking but was most definitely comfortable. trevor had just wrapped the towel around himself, knowing he had no clean clothes to put on.
"do you want some clothes?" i asked giggling a little, because he looked a little confused. he did nothing but nod at me and wrapped the towel around his waist tighter.
i was wondering if my mother was home. i walked out my room heading downstairs. i peaked out the banister. my mom was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes with her phone in her ear. I continue to walk down and i tapped her shoulder she turned around slowly and mouthed me to wait. i went to the living room sitting on the couch .
trevor- pov
i sat on the bed completely out of it , ready to just go back to sleep. thinking of spirit all morning, I don't want to catch feelings. I knew she didn't like me. She probably was just in the moment. I low key like her though . I pulled out my phone and texted Micah.
Seeing spirit walk in the room with clothes in her hand. She smiled at me and handed me the clothes as I smiled back. She was so damn pretty. She sat on the bed.
"There you go. There new never worn." She said. She gazed at me and kissed my shoulder walking out of the room shutting the door.
I fluffled out the shirt before putting it on. After putting on clothes i grabbed my phone off the bed and called my mom who I knew didn't give a fuck that I was gone. I dialed and as it starts ringing the sprint operator came on telling me my phone was off.
I sighed a little pissed off.
2 weeks later on Monday
spirit's pov
i grabbed my clothes out the closet of what i was going to wear for picture day and kinda felt like it was necessary to be extra as fuck.
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just to avoid the dress code i put a pink shawl over the dress. i called kayla to ask what she was wearing and she picked up the phone.
"What are you wearing today for picture day?" I asked and there was a long pause and she sounded like she just got done sobbing.
" I don't know, might not come to school." She answered and sniffled.
"What's wrong" I noticed the sadness in her voice.
"I just got horrible news..." she said
"What happened?"
"After that party briana threw, Keith and I went to his house and we had sex after and..." I mean that wasn't horrible unless he like raped her or drugged her.
"Ok...and?" I said hoping that it wasn't either of the two. " this morning I just felt , out of it. decided to take a pregnancy test... i was throwing up everywhere." She went on.
I let her continue without saying anything. She told me she was pregnant by Keith.
I was in complete shock. Kayla was a party girl but she wasn't the one i thought would get be pregnant.. right now! i just stood over the phone silent and heart beating like she was having my kid.
"Ok .. Kayla you are going to get through this girl, I got you through everything!" I finally decided to say. i was stunned