The Reason I Like BrodyAnimates

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Me: *Watching TheOdd1sOut reacting to fanfiction of him* Hehe I would never be one of those girls. I'm a fangirl but I'm not that big of a fangirl! ... I don't think.

Cory: *Calls me on my phone*

Me: *Picks up* Hey Core, what's up?

Cory: Hey you know how James has fanfiction about him?

Me: Yeah I'm actually watching the video right now, why?

Cory: Well what if you make fanfiction about that animated dude you like?

Me: Pfft which one?

Cory: Uh... I think his name is BrockyAnimates?

Me: Ok 1. Brock is his twin brother, 2. His name is Brody, and 3. No because like James he would probably find it and make a video of it.

Cory: So? Maybe you'll get famous off it.

Me: Yeah, no. I'd rather not die of embarrisment thank you very much.

Cory: Alright... maybe something less creppy? Like, why you like him? I dunno your always so emotional about people you like, you've probably thought it through already anyway.

Me: *Pause* Ok.. maybe I've thought about it once... or twice... or three times.

Cory: Your such a stalker, you know that?

Me: *Blushes* SHUT UP CORY! Thanks for the idea though.

Cory: Your welcome. Now go write something you'll regret.

Me: Heh your not wrong. Bye Core. *Hangs up* TIME TO EMMBARAS MYSELF!

Yeah so...

Wow here we are!

So I guess we'll start from the begining!

Basically I found Brodys channel when I was searching up new animators to watch since most of the regulars I watched, like JaidenAnimations, TheOdd1sOut, CypherDen, and Let Me Explain Studios, hadn't been updating!

So I watched the first, QnA video!

When I looked at the thumbnail I was expecting a... stop motion animation.

You know those animators that just make their charaters open their mouths for them to say something while more experienced animators made their charaters mouths move? (Except for James and Tim of course)

Yeah I was expecting that...

I was wrong...

So very, very wrong...

I thought he was very funny and very clever!

I thought that the background he used was creative and gave the viewers sort of a... fun loving feeling.

Like he's mature but immature at the same time!

Which in my opinion is a very cute little quirk to have!

In all honesty for a guy his age, his age right now is 13 for those who don't know, his animations are actually very smooth and very well thought out!

I started watching his videos more, and more.

Which made me find out more, and more about him!

I could tell he had been working really hard on trying to get his videos perfect and trying to make them as funny as possible!

He obviously had people that he looked up to, such as Jaiden and Dom, and sort of tried to make his videos much like theirs!

Random fact,

Whenever he would talk about his beanie I would always try and figure out what was under there.

Sometimes I would think that Brody and Brock had another brother but he morphed into Brodys head so he's just... hiding under there.

And other times I thought it was like... I dunno some kind of spider mutant that latched itself onto his head.

I have a strange imagination don't look at me like that!

Anyways I subscribed to him, obviously, and waited patiently for another update on his channel!

One day, on June 29th of 2018, I got a notification on his channel about him going to VidCon!

I was beyond excited, especially when it said, "(Ft. My Face)"

I was obviously laughing at his lame jokes and 'aww'ing, watching him meet his role models but I re-winded to get a good look at his face and...

I just...

Thought he was really...



I wanna die now.


Yeah so this is getting a little bit too long!

So imma shorten this!

Reasons Why I Like BrodyAnimates

1. His humor is very lame but at the same time very funny

2. He has talent. I can't draw... like at all... So seeing someone my age, well I'm 14 but still, draw like that gets me so jealous but at the same time happy seeing people expressing themselves in the greatest and most creative ways

3. He's always so kind to his friends and family, even if they bully him a little bit, lookin' at you BROCK... I kid, your awesome if I had a Twitter account or any social media except for Tumblr I would follow you

4. He has nothing bad to say about anyone, jokes don't count

5. In my opinion he's adorable. Like... he's a cute lil' boy




If your reading this...



I'm a weird person?

Imma go cry in the corner now...


(Edit: Jeez this is the cringe-st thing ever... MY REGRET IS BUILDING!)

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