Part/Chap(ish) 2~

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-----------------------------------Part/Chap(ish) 2 ----------------------------------------

Delilah walked out of the small corner store, adrenaline pumping through her veins with each step. Holding onto the cart was all she could do to keep her slender frame from shaking with nervousness. She'd never stolen before... Unless you counted a second helping of samples from a restaurant she'd went to with her grandparents as a young child of five or six.

"Excuse me, Miss!" Delilah heard the cashier shout from behind, just as she'd reached her car, too. With her heart pounding in her chest, she shakily turned to face the young man, who did a quick jog to close the space between them. "Y-yes?" Delilah stammered, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the handle of the cart for support. "You forgot your change, Ma'am" He, Richard, said simply, holding out a couple hundred dollar bills. Delilah let out a sigh of relief that she hadn't realized she'd been holding as she let her body weight lean against her car. "Oh, no no.. I didn't forget it, that's supposed to be a tip" She said, pushing her aviators back into the right position, shielding her moon colored eyes. "Seriously, two hundred dollars as a tip? Is this some kind of scam to get me in trouble?" Richard asked, looking skeptically at Delilah, who let out a chuckle. Didn't this young man know who she was? Oh. Wait. She quickly took off her small disguise, chucking it into the back of her corvette, then placing a hand on her hip as a small smirk takes over her plump lips. "Oh.. OH. You, you're Delilah Rivera" Rich uttered a little loudly, earning glances from passers-by. "Yes, shh.. The reason I had the sunglasses and hat on was to not attract attention" Delilah whisper-yelled to the man, who went wide eyed as he covered his mouth with hand for a moment before realizing how ridiculous he must've looked. "I'm Sorry, I'll let you get on with your day. If you need anything else don't hesitate to come back and let me know" He said with a slight wave, scurrying back into the store.

Delilah shook her head slowly, sliding her bag from her shoulder and throwing it in the back of the car as well, then pushing the cart in the corral next to her. She glances around momentarily before sliding into the car and turning the car on, then pulling out of the parking lot.

"I'm so fancy, You already know!~" Delilah sang along at the top of her lungs as she sped along the freeway back to the quieter more ritzy part of the city, where her and Mike's rather luxurious apartment happened to be located, along with all the other boys of 5SOS.

A few moments later, Delilah pulled into the underground parking complex. Located, of course, under the building where their apartment was also located. She pulled up to the valet, stepping out of her car and tossing the keys over to the young man before grabbing her purse. "Send the other bags up on the parcel lift, please Leo" She said with a smile. Leo nodded as he drove the car to the designated parking space. "Thanks, Leo. You're a saint!" Delilah called out, leaving a tip in the make-shift mailbox that each of the Valets had, then walking into the elevator, pressing the floor number and then the code needed to be able to get to that floor.

Delilah taps her foot impatiently as the elevator began its' slow ascent to the top two floors. She kept glancing at her phone, checking the time every few seconds. Usually, she'd have no problem waiting, she was a very patient person. But she wanted to know so badly that every little second keeping her from the truth felt like a decade had ticked by.

Finally, after about four agonizingly slow minutes, the elevator made a shrill 'ding!' noise, and the doors parted, revealing their apartment. Delilah skipped in quickly, collecting the rest of her things from the parcel lift. Funny how the parcel lift was a lot faster than the elevator itself. Maybe she'd squeeze in there next time- If there was a next time. Which she hoped there would be. She hastily put away the groceries, probably making a mistake in placement during the process, but at the moment she couldn't care less. Delilah grabs the somewhat small rectangular box out of her purse and hurries off to the bathroom. She kicks her heels off, and proceeds to strip the rest of her clothing off, deciding she'd take a quick shower once she'd finished with her package. Delilah tore into the package, pulling out the slender, smooth white stick, quickly reading and re-reading instructions.

Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Delilah examines herself in the mirror, her brows furrowing as she concentrated on trying to find a small difference about her body. She gives up after a moment and takes the few steps over to the toilet, silently cursing Michael for leaving the seat up as she lifts he leg, knocking the seat back down with her foot. Delilah squats over the toilet seat, quickly peeling the wrapper off of the stick, then holding it under her as she did her business. Putting the wrapper securely back around the soiled end of the stick, Lilah waited. She tried not to watch the test, so she paced around the sizable bathroom, practically bouncing on her toes. If she thought she was impatient before, then this was pure torture.

Finally, after exactly two minutes, Delilah snatched the test off the counter. She let out a little shriek and bouncing up and down and spinning around on the spot, laughing as she checked the test again and again, to be sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. She'd never been happier, aside from the first time Mike had told her that he loved her, and of course she had told him, too.

After a few more minutes of happy-dancing, Delilah hid the test in a spot that only she knew about. She wanted to tell Michael with perfect timing and setting. She jumped in the shower, quickly washing, conditioning and rinsing her long vibrant locks, then washing and rinsing the rest of her body before shutting the water off, wrapping her small frame in a towel, and skipping into their bedroom to get dressed for their dinner date.

After Delilah had dressed, she quickly dried and styled her hair, then continued on to do her make up. She smiled in the mirror once she'd finished the job, admiring her quick yet beautiful work. She wanted to look perfect for Michael, in case tonight turned out to be the night that she decided to tell him. One would never know when the perfect timing would pop up.

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