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It's been weeks since the incident happened..we didn't talk before but now we don't even look at eachother in the hallways,not even a smile.

Eventually someone panicked and you could guess who it was, Baekhyun. He rushed downstairs calling for help making the whole party stop,someone called the police and when they arrived to look at the horrendous scene inside that room..it was gone. Not even a single drop of blood was to be seen in that room it was like it sucked itself up through the floors.

The police thought it was just some stupid prank like the rest of the crowd believed too, they all were in a mix of laughter and anger at baekhyun,
I couldn't be angry at him cuz I don't blame him for reacting that way, eventually he just stormed out of the party and since then it's been a big awkward knot between all of us.

Lisa of course still is okay with me since she knows what's been going on for a while, but she hates the glances and the whispering when we arrive at school. Rumors eventually spread and it made things even more awkward. People has been saying that baek is fucked up in the head cuz of drugs, some people believed it happened but they twisted it up saying that we killed someone and cleaned it up before the police could arrive. Dumb as shit am I right?

I'm now sitting at lunch...at the back of the room with Lisa. "When do you think this is gonna end?" She sighs out poking her food with a fork. "I think it'll eventually end but won't be forgotten."

I say looking at all the people staring at us and giggling. "Well this sucks dick." She angrily throws her fork into her plate. "We're gonna be the laughing stock of the century." Wendy out of no where speaks sitting at our table, well that's a little comforting. " tell me about it" jihyo joins in, I let out a chuckle to see how we're speaking to eachother again, I thought I lost them for good at this point.

We see Baek walking pass the tables, everyone did anything possible so he couldn't sit with them, morons.

He then looks at our table, Lisa waves at him and he awkwardly waves back to then be hit in the face with food.

He sighs and walks to our table. "High school am I right?" He said. "Yeah where you get stupid ideas like befriending the "cool guys" " Wendy threw mad shade. "Shut up at least I wasn't the guy who threw up during the schools talent show" he snapped back making Wendy stand from her seat slamming her hands on the table. "SHUT UP ASSHOLE" she yelled making everyone's attention focus even more on us.

"Can we just sit and talk this out?" I said trying to make this peaceful again,they shared glances for a second to then sit down again. "Fine." They both said.

"Okay so the party-"

"Yeah what the HELL was that about" jihyo asked. "The blood suddenly disappearing in thin air? Your name written on the fucking window like this is some big horror movie" she proceeds not letting me talk."then someone went and made us all look like dumbasses at the party." Wendy says staring at Baek. "I don't know about you but somebody had to say something about it. " he said making Wendy scoff. " that wasn't The perfect moment to yell bloody murder Baekhyun" she said "IT WAS LITERALLY BLOODY FUCKING MURDER." he whispers in a angry tone. "Can you all shut the fuck up and let Jennie explain?!" Lisa said making them back off.

I deeply sighed before explaining the situation from start to now, they all took a moment to blink and process what I said when then Baek spoke out. "Jisoo? Why does that name seem familiar.." he rubs his chin thinking about it. "'Maybe it was ex-girlfriend number 137." Wendy bluntly says taking a bite of her apple. "I'd know if my ex-girlfriend was dead." He stares at her. "Yeah maybe you killed her-"
"SHUT UP FOR FUCK SAKE" Lisa said again when the bell rang. We all agreed to meet at our old hang out spot before scattering to our classes.

5:20 pm

We arrived at our place which was just an abandoned shed behind the school we've been coming here since we were kids but clearly it was forgotten for a long time ,there was a bunch of spiderwebs and dust every where, I feel my heart suddenly ache to the thought of how we just...well..you know. "NO.WAY." Baek yelled, "MY SPIT JAR IS STILL HERE " he suddenly pulls out a jar which looked green and moldy...gross. "That's so nasty. " jihyo said. "Hey isn't this your necklace? " Lisa lifts up a now rusty necklace with a heart hanging off of it. "Ohmygod i forgot this thing even existed .." Wendy laughs looking at it. "Wait,I think this opens" Lisa says as she sees a little nub on the side of the heart, Wendy immediately snatches it out of her hands "HEY! PERSONAL SHIT MAN." She shoves it in her back pocket, weird.

I look at all the old drawings and stupid stuff we made here, we made this horrible bird house out of twigs and mud. Not even once a bird has claimed it, I get why. After being drowned with nostalgia of a happy childhood, we all sat down in the same old spots we used to sit on. We all had small pillows color coded to each of us. Yes we were picky as shit.

"So about the demon chick." Baek said leaning back on the wooden wall. "Does she want us to just attack the principal and she'll stop taunting us with blood covered rooms and creepy letters?"

"Apparently she wants us to find her." I said as everyone in the room got goosebumps. "Y-you mean we have to f-find her body?" Jihyo stuttered. "OH HELLLLLLL NAH" wendy shouts out.
"IM NOT GONNA FIND SOME DEAD BITCH'S BODY,PERIOD." She states out making half of us agree with her. "I mean we either find her or live the rest of our lives with her on our backs." Baek said, he has a point. "Oh I'm sure,You're used to girls being on your back all the time baekhyun." Wendy said, Jesus this girl never r e s t s,I remember when she used to love being around him. Now she just wants to rip his ball sacks off every time he blinks. "I mean if she is dead then let's check out the only place her body could be at?" Lisa said making everyone turn to her. ".....the graveyard?" I said, making everyone feel stupid. "Tomorrow it is  then" Baek slaps his thighs making us sigh at how enthusiastic he is about it.

We decided to stay here a while to just talk about our lives and recalling old stupid memories and cracking to jokes.


"Remember that time Jennie snorted juice out of her nose in front of her crush when we made her laugh too hard" jihyo said making everyone burst out laughing,I playfully hit her arm laughing really hard, god I miss those times..and I miss us even more. "Hey guys I think I found something." Lisa said with a off tone in her voice, we all got up to see what it was. My heart shattered into millions of pieces to what she found....

[J.B.W.JH.L & S forever <3 ]

The mood dropped completely as Lisa slowly started crying, I went to put my hand on her shoulder but she just grabbed her bag and left. "I think
My mom is waiting for me...see you guys tomorrow I guess" Wendy said leaving as well, jihyo behind her. Just me and Baek now

He put his arm around me resting his cheek on top of my head, tears slowly run down my face remembering...that day.

"I miss her." He said.

" we all do.."

Sishter tried it

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Sishter tried it.
Hope you enjoyed 😓

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