Daughter's ingenuousness

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Eight-year-old girl, Niyati was sitting on the bench outside of the doctor's cabin. She was playing with her brown teddy bear. In the doctor's cabin, her parents were scared and nervous to know what'd have diagnosed in her the blood report.

Doctor crossed both hands' fingers on the desk and opened up his pressed lips, "According to the blood report, your daughter has leukemia."

As mother heard the doctor's words, tears started rolling from her eyes.

Dad asked in a worried voice, "Leukemia? But there must be some cure, isn't it doctor?"

"Unfortunately, there isn't." The doctor shook his head slowly, "Medical science hasn't reached there yet."

"Please Doctor, Do Something to save my daughter. She is our only child" Mother's heart begged sorrowfully.

"Sure, we will do everything we can, but there is also a limitation to the medical procedures, you know..." The doctor replied professionally.


Before sleeping at night, angel-like daughter climbed on the bed and crawled to dad and hugged him, "Daddy, will I die?"

"No my child. Don't ever say that. Nothing would happen to my little fairy" Dad kissed on her soft forehead. His eyes and heart filled up to the rim. "...and who said such a big lie to you?"

"I had seen mom crying alone in the kitchen, Daddy." She candidly answered and looked at him. "I never saw mom crying..."

Her brown-black puppy pupils were gleaming with pure innocence.

Mother was in the bedroom, folding her purple frock. Her eyes were filled with tears. The heart was roasting in agony. Eyelids dropped and tears dripped upon the frock. She sniffed the nose and put the frock in the cupboard. She wiped the eyes and turned to them.

Niyati had buried her face on dad's chest. Both moist gazes met and they tried to smile to pretend to be normal. She swallowed the lump under her throat. She took a deep breath and sat on the bed. "Honey came to me... mom needs your healing kiss..."

She turned to her and gave a kiss. Mother cradled her in arms and kissed affectionately.

With moist voice, she said, "You don't know how much mommy-daddy loves you..." and then hugged her endearingly.

"But mommy-daddy, I love you so so so.... much..." She spread her small hands wide open in the air, "That much...."

Seeing their daughter's ingenuousness, both of their eyes and heart flooded with tears and emotions.

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