ᄅ ɹǝʇdɐɥƆ

17 1 0

It happened all too fast. I don't remember most of it..But i remember how I screamed, as he hit me with a  chain...that was on fire....I remember my skin and fur being scorched, and me feeling so numb. I remember how he smiled...his demonic..evil..smile. When he kicked my side and called me names. He grabbed  a crowbar and beat me, until i was in blood, crying desperately for help. He stepped on my ribs, and felt them crack loudly, as i scratch his foot. He pulls back, and then slams his spiked boot into my face. 

I knew my nose was a bloody mess, but my head was spinning. Everything was disoriented. I awoke, in the same room, chained down. I move slightly and whine, looking at my self. I had cuts from head to toe. I started crying. I was just a kid! And im being hurt??? I hear the same footsteps, thundering closer. I shake my head. It was Pitch....He walked in the cell and looked down at me. He went to kick me again, but smirked as i flinched. He lowered,"How is my princess today..?" 

"I..want to leave.." i whimper, in tears,"please.." i continue pleading, but he frowns,"you'll never leave..." He stands and leaves me...

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