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I was trying to understand my new schedule when, suddenly, I hear a voice, realizing someone's talking to me. When my eyes find his, I have this weird feeling, as if there was something dark about him, mysterious... Every single cell of my body tells me to ignore him and walk away. But the part of me who wants to take that cocky smile out of his face, wins:

-Why are you asking me that? You wanna help the new girl find her classroom so that you can easily become the only person she knows here? After that it'll be easy to ask her out, won't it? You can take her to one of those parties where everyone gets drunk and ends up making out... and success! You'll have another conquest to brag about. - anyone could tell what type of guy he was only by looking at him and I wouldn't let him fool me. Not on my first day here. Not when all I needed was a good fresh start.

I thought he would be shocked, pretend he was offended or say something like "I'm nothing like that" but he doesn't. Instead his smile simply becomes bigger and, for a second, I'm pretty sure I see a little sparkle in his eyes.

-Oh, I like you. -he ends up saying, that smile still taking place on his lips. That damn smile. His tanned hand quickly grabs the schedule I was holding, before I could stop him.

He is way taller than me and I know I'll never be able to take it back, but I still jump repeatedly, trying to reach it and complain:

-Hey! Give that back!

He laughs, clearly making fun of me and that's when I notice the two dimples right over his lips. They are really deep and well defined and give him a much softer look. His green eyes are now traveling fast through the paper, reading my schedule.

-Alright, you have Biology now, with Miss Gilbert. I can take you there if you want. - he shrugs and finally handles me the schedule again. His hand touches mine for a small instant and that's when I notice how warm his skin is, so, so warm.

-It's okay. I can find it by myself. Thank you, anyways.

I walk away before he could say anything else and quickly find my classroom. The asian girl sitting next to me seems nicer than most people I saw today. She gifts me with a smile and I smile right back at her, thinking she may be a potential new friend. As the teacher starts talking, my mind travels to a completely different place and soon I'm not in that classroom anymore surrounded by people I don't know... Soon I'm in my dad's house, hugging him tight, he is giving me the presents he brought from Korea, where he is currently working and asking me questions about this new life here. I haven't seen him in around three months. I miss him. I really, really miss him. Having a family member who works in the army is definitely one of the worst things ever, and most likely the reason my parents' relationship broke down. I can't even express the fear that takes control of my mind and body while my dad is away, especially when he is mobilized to serve. There is always a sadness in his eyes when he comes back, he barely smiles and when he does, it's a cold smile, a fake one, a smile he tries to hide his pain behind. I just want to remember how it was before he started being mobilized. I want to remember how it all was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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