Let's Go To A Club

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10 more minutes until the bell rings and i'm out of this stupid economics class. As I start to gaze around the class I see Dylan talking to some poor girl who seems to love the attention he is giving her. I don't see what she see's in him, he isn't that great. I forget that I am completely gazing at Dylan until I hear his voice

"Don't worry El, I'll keep you company at practice today" Dylan says smirking at me

I pretend to strangle myself for a second and then finally the bell rings, I quickly grab my stuff and pace quickly out the door,  I spot Joe by the vending machine and start heading his way

"Hey You" I say smiling

"Hey, What are you doing tonight?" Joe ask with a grin

"Probably making up homework...why?" I say curiously 

"Tony is going to a club and I would just love for my very best friend to come" he says giving me his best puppy dog eyes 

"Third-Wheel?...No way" I say

"Everyone is coming' he says raising his eyebrow

I can't help but think about what great eyebrows Joe has, like what's his secret?, He totally needs to tell me what he does.... Maybe there just naturally like that..  how unfair.

"Earth To Lee"  he says snapping

"Huh?.. Yeah fine i'm down" I look down at my watch and realize I'm going to be late for practice

"Gotta go! text me the details" I say jogging away to girls locker room 

I put my book-bag in the locker and put my hair into a ponytail... Time to kick some ass.... even if it is just practice

As I walk out into the field, where everyone is already there sitting I see my friend Lucas and make my way to sit next to him

Lucas was actually the first friend I made on the team because he was the only one that didn't make a big deal about being the first girl on the boys soccer team, Lucas actually defended me when Dylan made a big deal about me joining. Dylan was even more furious when I became captain only 5 months after I joined the team. 

"What did I miss?" I whisper to Lucas

"For a captain you sure are late to a lot of practices...your lucky you are so good on the field" He whispers back 

"Just tell me what I missed Lucas dear" I whisper in a fake sweet voice

"Coach was just telling us that slacking will not be tolerated... you know just the usual" Lucas whispers back

Before I can further our conversation, I look up to see coach staring down at us

"You two having fun chatting away?" coach says in a stern voice 

"Sor-" Before I can even apologize coach blows his whistle and signals us to start laps, hopefully he'll make us stop at 50 this time

80 laps later Coach Blows his whistle and calls the team over to him 

"Alright guys, lets team up I want a practice game...I will have our two best players  assign and chose who they want on there team and what positions they will play" Coach looks down at his clipboard although everyone knows who's name he is going to say

"Ellie and Dylan, get your asses over here" Coach says waving for us to come stand next to him 

We both move to where coach is standing and start choosing who we want on our team

"Alright guys, I want a good clean match" Coach says after we have picked our teams

Coach blows his whistle as all of us assemble onto the field, I can't help but look Dylan in his eyes, although he is a complete ass, he is almost as good as me in soccer so I can't show him any mercy on the field. 

1 hour into the game both of Me and Dylan's scores are tied 6-6 and the last goal will decide who is the winner of this week's practice match 

The whistle blows to signal to start, Lucas has the ball and I keep signaling for him to kick the ball to me but he seems intent on kicking it in the goal himself. I quickly notice that Dylan is about to steal the ball so I start to run the kick the ball from Lucas, since I am the only one that can keep up with Dylan. Before I can kick the ball from Lucas, Lucas has already kicked the ball in a bad attempt to make a goal, I run to retrive the ball, looking up into the sky to follow the ball, I suddenly crash into some blunt object.

When I open my eyes I see Dylan

"Wow El, this is a great distraction" he says looking me up and down 

I scoff and get off of Dylan 

"Clearly we've got a lot trust exercises to do, We all can't individually be stars on the field guys" I say addressing the team, especially Lucas 

" We work together, not just for ourselves" I say 

"Some of us also need to pay attention to the other players" Dylan says smirking

"100 laps  before we go thanks to Dylan, everyone" I say as I begin to clap my hands 

Practice actually ended pretty early today I think as I look down onto my Iphone Screen, I see that I have multiple text from Joe and my other friend Felicity. As i scroll through the text I finally see one that has an address, As I walk towards the train.

I finally arrive home and quickly run up the steps and into my bedroom....What to wear..... I decide on a little black dress and my Doc Martins, I take a quick shower and leave my curly hair out. It's only 10pm when I am ready, which means that if I leave now I can reach by 11pm 

As I walk out the house and head to the train station, I begin to think about how different my life would be if my Mom wasn't also so busy at work and actually was home, It wasn't as if she was a bad mother but she also wasn't a great mother. I remember when I got my first and last tattoo of the Yin-Yang sign, she didn't say anything besides "That's nice dear". I do have to give it to her about my academics though, she's always on my case about grades and why i'm always late

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of my stop being called, I walk out of the train station and pull out my cell to call Joe, he answers on the first ring

"I'm on 42nd" I say looking around at the shining lights

"Cool just walk down, everyone is outside waiting on you" he says as my call abruptly ends with him 

I begin to walk down and 10 minutes later I finally see everyone in front of this hole in the wall club 

"What's up guys" I say smiling at everyone

About an hour into the club everyone looks like they have shacked up, Joe and Tony are in the corner whispering in each others ears, Felicia seems to have hit it off with the DJ and Gabriel is just chatting up a group of girls.

As I walk to the bar and order a martini, only because I didn't eat anything since lunch and the olive is about to be my dinner, I let out a sigh when I eat the Olive

"I knew I recognized you" I heard a voice from behind say

I turn around and see Dylan who looks stunning in his black jeans and fitted shirt 

I let out a groan and turn to order another Martini 

"Well it's lovely to see you too El" Dylan says coming closer to me

"What are you even doing here" I ask curiously 

"Well my brother is the DJ" he says as he points to the Dj that is currently making out with Felicity 

"Ah"  I say as I gulp another martini down 

"Do you wanna get out of here?" Dylan ask 

'Absolutely" I say 

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