Chapter 5. Lydia.

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I try to run out of school the fastest that I can. Less human contact as possible. Today was one of the better days.

As I unlocked my expensive car that I got for my 16th birthday I heard a familiar voice.

"hey, Lyds wait up"

I didn't have to think twice to know that it was Stiles. I look up unwillingly to have a conversation I didn't want.

"Hey Stiles, you know I'm like really late for this thing so.."
" I won't keep you long I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to Scott's party, it's tonight like 8..It'll only be like me, Malia, Scott, Kira, Isaac, Ethan and Aiden"
"Oh I don't know Stiles I mean-"
"Please I want you to be there"
"I'll see, but I really have to go."
"Okay I really hope you can come, see ya later Lyds"
"Bye Stiles"

I pulled out of the school parking lot. And it wasn't till I got home that I was smiling ever since I got in my car.

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