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This story is basically a 'what if' of Dark Was The Night episode, in order to make it happen there are some things that I changed

1. the baby died before they had the chance to bring her to SGMW
2. Derek and Mer are not fine, Derek's been ignoring and avoiding her for 2 weeks.

I think that's all


"I'm s.....so...rry" she weakly pleaded with every energy she has left

"No, you don't get to do that okay? You gotta fight" he said firmly

"I..I..lo..love y..you" she muttered her voice was barely above a whisper


a few hours earlier

They left Joe's after Meredith got a call from Janet informing her the situation of Zola, Cristina was quick to gather hers and Meredith's things and left.

Cristina's POV

We were teasing Alex about how he got turned down by a girl at the bar and was told "go screw yourself" when Mer's phone rang, it was Janet. Meredith quickly went outside to take the call so I quickly followed her and told Alex to pay our drinks.

By the time I got out of Joe's I couldn't see her anywhere so I went to the hospital and started looking for her. Then I found her in hallway sitting on a gourney with a frown on her face and tears pooling her eyes. I went over her and I just stand there I didn't say anything I was just letting her know that I'm there for her.

"We're not getting her back" she said with a weak voice

"What do you mean ? What exactly did she say ?" I asked to get some more understanding

"That we're not getting her back" she repeated with tears in her eyes

"She said that ?" I asked once again to make sure, because Meredith has a habbit of concluding something that someone said, then she told me everything Janet said to her

"She said that we should move on, her exact words were ' I think it's time for you and Derek to start thinking about moving on' "

"Oh my God" I'm at a loss of words, she's my person and it really seems like the universe loves to beat her up every chance they get, I sat down next to her and started rubbing her back.

I said it was okay for her to cry but knowing her ? She won't, not until it becomes too much for her to bear. I hugged her because I don't think any words could make the pain she was feeling any less, but then she pulled away because she didn't wanna cry.

She's trying to act tough, like she always does. We were sitting in silence until I got paged for a case. I was hesitating to answer the page, I  didn't want to leave her alone when she's like this. Until she broke the silence,

"Go, it's okay they won't page if they don't really need you" she said with a weak smile, nudging my shoulder a little. "Okay, I'll go just-, Mer if you need me you know where to find me, whatever you need just page me okay ?" I bowed down a little to level my eyes with her making sure she knows I'm there for her.

"I know" she stated simply with a smile, a genuine one this time even if it's small, it's there. "Okay, see you Mer" I said leaving her alone sitting on the gourney.


Meredith was still lost in her thoughts until a voice brought her back to reality

"Grey! ride with Karev, he's doing a baby run" Arizona ordered . "Well, I have to talk to Derek" Meredith said. "Well, a new born life's hanging in the balance. Make it fast" Arizona said while rushing to the ER

After talking to Derek about Zola and only got a nod out of him, she finally left and hopped on the ambulance, on the ride to the hospital where they'll pick up the baby Alex said something about her fighting for Zola, or try another adoption or even get a surrogate. Meredith turned the whole topic down and said that what happened to Zola wasn't Alex's fault.

They finally arrived to the hospital where they were supposed to picked up a baby to get treated in SGMW, but unfortunately it was too late, the baby couldn't breathe, they tried to bring her back but she didn't pull through. With a heavy heart the surgeons went back to the ambulance and headed back to SGMW, on the ride back Alex started doing it again,

"For what it's worth Mer, I really am sorry for what I did. I went behind your back and betrayed you, I'm so sorry. You lost Zola because of what I did" Alex apologized once again guilt was written all over his face, he felt really guilty especially since Meredith was one of few people who accepted him and always had his back.

"It's not your fault" Meredith said "Yes it is" Alex said firmly "No it was mine, what you did was dirty but it was my fault, I just lost Zola and for the past two weeks I've been trying to talk to him, now I really think I'm losing Derek too" she said, her voice defeated like she doesn't have any fight left in her

"What ? No ! That man loves you, he'll never walk away from you, he's mad but he'll come around Mer, he will" Alex said reassuring her "I'm not so sure anymore Alex, he hates me, he's been ignoring me for 2 weeks Alex! 2 weeks! and when I told him earlier what Janet said he only nodded his head, he didn't even look at me, that's how much he hates me" Meredith said, she really think she's losing everything and she blames herself for this. Who else are there to blame ? No one. No one but her. Derek made sure she knows that.

They fell silent again, the sound of the  rain outside were the only thing that filled the silence. Until the brake of the ambulance was hit suddenly, and they kinda shifted from their previous sitting position because of the sudden stop, the next thing they heard were the driver getting out of the ambulance.

The back door of the ambulance was opened, revealing the paramedic. He explained what was happening and told them to get out from the ambulance before it blows off in case another car don't see the ambulance there. Alex called Arizona immediately to inform her about the situation they were in. Mark told them to get off the ambulance right away and wait for help and it'll be okay. Little did they know it won't.

Before they even got the chance to get out of the ambulance there was suddenly a crash and both Mer and Alex were thrown hardly. Then everything went black. Meanwhile back at SGMW no one moves, everyone was too shock to even move a finger, all they heard was a loud crash and when they called out Mer and Alex nobody answered, then the line went dead.


1139 words omg 😳

Hey guys !! this is my very first time writing in English, and English is not my first language so I'm really sorry for the mistakes (I'm sure there's a lot haha), and I hope you understand.

There's another part for this one, I think only one more but we'll see !

Give me your review and what do you think about this ! Have a good day ❤️✨

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