Chapter 16

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James' P.o.V

I woke up in a instant, when I heard metal hitting and rocks rumbling beneath me. Where the fuck am I? I look down I see chains tied to my hands and knees to the ground. I groan. Am I in a truck? I look around then I saw another person knocked out aswell.

"MOM!" I yelled. She just is still, eyes closed. I look at the truck, well it least its safe.

"Sir, one of them is awake. What do we do?" The walkie talkie spoke up.

"Just watch out for him, its his dumbass boyfriend also he's the one." The man who was driving wided eyed. "Yessir." He eyed me through the rear view mirror very closly held a gun next to him. He's one of them? What the hell does that mean?

"Aye! Shut up back there! You're mom ain't waking till we get there." The driving man in said. "So, uhh what's with your uncle and his money?" He asked. "If you don't mind, if I ask."

"Wait what? What are you talking about? His money? He dead! Wait, is he rich or something??"

"Oh, he hasn't told you? Whoops." The man turned into a parking lot. "Well, we're here." He got off the car and opened the back doors. "Come on. Get out." I shake my mom to wake up.

"Mom. Wake up." She fluttered her eyes open, "What?"

"Get the fuck, out of the god damn car. We have to time to lose."He yelled, we rushed out and I looked where we were. "Follow me."


"So. You two sit in here while we get Anthony and you're little boyfriend." He shut the jail door.

"James... who are these people and how come you didn't tell me you were dating someone?" Mom groaned at the uncomfortable handcuffs.

"I have no idea," I sighed. "And mom, I'm dating a guy." She rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for telling me now and not like before."

Then we heard a grunt then, "Get the fuck up and get in here." We saw a man walk by our cell-

"Uncle Ben???"

Whoooooo spooky Uncle rose from the deaddddddd!!!!



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