Mm Chapter 17

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Now on with the show. How long has it been? 10 months? But I'm probably back.

Seamus' P.o.V

My eyes slowly open as I regain my vision my body started to be in pain. "Fuck..." I groaned. I slowly stand up and limp my way to the phone. I dial in a number. James'.


"Damnit, James." I whispered. My lower back started to be in even more pain and I walk into the kitchen and try to find something to heal me. I look through my cabinets and found-- eyes suddenly shut again slowly and I black out.


I wake up in a white, cold room with pipes on the ceilings and on a bed with a single pillow. It's dark with no lights on. Until a single bright light shines on me.

"Welcome Seamus O'Doherty. Morning," Some British voice talked through the speakers from the left corner of the room. "I know this seems sketchy but this was the only room we found for you, the other prisoners took the nicer ones with a sauna and everything."

"Where am I? Who are you?"

"Lemme properly introduce myself." The hidden door from the wall came out then over to the left. The Brit was wearing a gray suit, a white inside shirt with black suit pants. Very handsome but.. Not my type.

"Dexter Manning, at your service- What the fuck? I sound like a butler. I'm the boss here. Dexter Manning, your boss is here." This Brit had a confusing sense of humor but I guess that's that. "You are at DEX, I know selfish of me, Dedicated Exploitation Xters. I couldnt-"

Then another voice spoke, "Oh shut up, Dex." Another person with a familiar voice walked into the room.

"I know you already know who I am and I you're about to yell at me, Seamu-"

"What am I doing here? Wait. You're Jordan right? You friends with Sly?" I ask that question to at least to feel somewhat safe.

"When Aleks called me about what happened to you, I went and grabbed you myself.... Aaand don't worry. Your mother and sister are safe in the air." He looked up.

"So.. in a airplane? To go somewhere?"

"Sure, you can say that. Back to my point, when Sly introduced me to you, I already knew who you were. As you know, your step-dad-"

"HE IS NOT MY DAD." I interrupted him.

"Okay, Anthony has made a lot of trouble. We saved you from him and he now kidnapped James' whole family," The hatted man continued, "We just don't know how and we need you're help to do it."

"Who is we?" I asked.

"Not DEX. Obviously. It's JORDAN." I looked at him. "No, I'm just kidding. It's called The Creatures. We train people to be well-balanced, well-bahave and well-defined. We keep this city safe when the police can't."

The Brit cheered, "Hell yeah!" Jordan sighed and facepalmed.

I stood up and sighed, "When do we start?"


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